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Dark Charm

Q: Say the Runemaster is affected by "Dark Charm" and makes an attack, and the dice rolled displays a surge. May the runemaster use the surge for applying "Runic Knowledge", thus suffering himself +1 fatigue?

A: When using "Dark Charm," the overlord performs the attack as if the hero was one of his monsters. This means that the overlord chooses how the surges are spent during the attack. However, since the overlord cannot force the hero to suffer fatigue, this is intended to prevent the overlord from using the hero's class skills. This includes "Runic Knowledge." The overlord cannot use "Runic Knowledge" when using "Dark Charm" on the Runemaster. (1)

Q: Does this action must be performed immediately or can other monsters be activated first?

A: The action must be performed immediately. (1)

Q: Can charmed hero move through monsters figures? Heroes figures?

A: The charmed hero is treated as a monster for the duration that the card is in play (which is for the move or attack), so if he moves, he cannot move through heroes but can move through monsters. (1)

Q: Can monsters attack charmed hero?

A: The hero is no longer considered "charmed" after the attack or move, so monsters may attack him. (1)

Q: Can Overlord play Overlord Cards on charmed hero? Especially can traps be played as if he were hero? Can "Frenzy" be played as if he were monster?

A: Overlord cards for the most part cannot chain during the "Dark Charm" move. Since he is treated as a monster, you could not pit trap him. Since his status of being "charmed" ends as soon as his attack resolves, he could not frenzy. However, something like "Dark Might" or "Critical Blow" would be perfectly viable. (1)

Q: When Leoric is affected by "Dark Charm," are his own attacks reduced by one heart, due to his hero's ability (in other words, as a hero is considered as a monster, does he loose all his heroic abilities, including the 'passive' ones)?

A: Yes, since he is treated as a monster, any attack he performs would have its damage reduced by 1. A hero is treated as a monster but is still, deep down, heroic at heart =) (1)

Q: During "Dark Charm," the only restriction is not spending fatigue, so: Can the OL use Bow/Rune/Weapon Mastery and/or "Mana Weave"? Can the OL spend Valour? If attacking themselves, can the hero spend Valour? Can the OL use "Valorous Strike"?

A: The overlord cannot force a hero to exhaust or use Skill cards, and he cannot force the hero to exhaust "Mana Weave." (1)

Q: When a hero fails the "Dark Charm" test and the Overlord forces him to attack himself,

1. Is defence die still rolled by that hero?

2. Can hero use items, such as shield to add to defence roll or reroll defence die?

3. Can OL use weapon surge abilities?

4. Can OL use skills, such as Weapon Mastery?

A: 1. Yes, 2. Yes, 3. Yes and 4. No (1)

-- Flurry (Labyrinth of Ruin)

Q: The OL card Flurry says "additional attack" as opposed to the older Frenzy which says "additional attack action". Is Flurry meant to be an additional attack action, or can Flurry also allow for a special action that includes an attack, such as Skirmish or Sweep?"";

A: It is intended to be "additional attack action." (1)

-- Reflective Ward (Labyrinth of Ruin)

Q: On the OL card Reflective Ward, what exactly does "hearts dealt" mean?
For example: 8 hearts against 2 shields on a monster with only 5 health -- Is "hearts dealt" 8, 6, or 5?

A: The hero rolls his own defense dice to mitigate the amount of damage he dealt to the monster (and only the damage, no conditions). To your example, it would be: 8 - defense roll. Essentially, the hero must also take the attack, and the intent behind the somewhat strange wording is to prevent odd interactions with conditions, knockback effects, etc. (1)

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 502. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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