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Q: According to rules, only 3 effects can affect Characters Treated As Heroes: monster attacks, hero abilities, and Overlord cards that target a hero. What rules allows using skills (e.g. Oath of Honor) with them? Can monster actions (e.g. Throw) affect them?

A: Since that is the way the rule are written, I'd be tempted to say that's the way to play it. However, the intent with that was very clear in that, Skill cards and monster abilities are able to affect "characters treated as heroes". (1)

Q: What about items (e.g. "Staff of Light" [action])? What about overlord cards: "Word of Misery," "Word of Pain," "Word of Despair," "Diabolic Power"? Do they affect something treated like a hero?

A: Yes to "Staff of Light" (assuming quest rules allow any healing effects). "Word of Misery," "Pain," "Despair," all yes. "Diabolic Power" could be quite devastating to a group of NPCs, but affirmative to that as well. (1)

Q: Familiar activation rules state: "A hero player may activate each familiar his hero controls once during his hero turn (either before or after resolving all of his heroâ?Ts actions). Activating a familiar does not require an action, but it may not interrupt any other action. Essentially, a hero player with a familiar must choose whether to activate his hero first or his familiar first. Regardless, both may be activated during his turn." What exactly is hero activation? It's never defined.

Is it possible to use fatigue points to move, then activate the familiar, then activate the hero to perform his 2 actions? Additional Movement section says only "A hero may suffer fatigue to receive additional movement points during his turn." which leads me to believe heroes can do that during "Start of turn" or "Equip Items" steps.

Can hero use some abilities that are not actions before familiar's activation, then activate familiar, then activate himself?

A: Yes. As long as the actions of the familiar and the actions of the hero player do not intermingle (unless otherwise specified in card effects), you would be able to use non-action skills or suffer fatigue before activating a familiar and then themselves. (1)

Q: What happens when a Summoned Stone or a Reanimate gets stunned?

A: As with anything else, a Summoned Stone or a Reanimate would have to spend an action to remove the Stunned condition. This might be the move action granted by familiar rules, or it might be the attack action granted by specific Skill cards. (1)

Q: When a familiar (e.g. Skye) is below another monster (1 space big) is its "adjacency" requirement fulfilled?

A: When occupying the same space as a monster, it is unfortunately not the same thing as being adjacent. (1)

Q: When familiar (e.g. Skye) is below a large monster which occupies more fields, is it adjacent?

A: Yes. (1)

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