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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. Childish artlessness. 2. A childish argument. 3. Childish behaviour. 4. Childlike faith. 5. A childish face. 6. Childfsh tears. 7. A childlike heart. 8. A childlike smile. 9. A childish mind. 10. To be childish. 11. Childish imagery. 12. A childish ailment.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.


1. What feelings does a childlike face inspire us with? 2. What do you call unfavourable qualities which are proper to children but improper for grown persons? 3. What favourable qualities typical of children do some grown persons possess? 4. Which of the two adjectives, childish or childlike, can you use to characterize a person who is: a) as frank as a child; b) as affectionate as a child; c) as naive as a child; d) as immature as a child; e) as guileless as a child; f) as petulant as a child; g) as innocent as a child? 5. What can you say about a rounded face with plump cheeks and china-blue eyes? 6. What are the main characteristics of a childish voice? 7. Is it correct to say that Ruth Morse had a childlike heart? 8. What do we mean to say when we characterize a woman as being somewhat childish in her ways? 9. Do you know any literary personages with a childlike love of nature? 10. What are the most frequent reasons for childish tears?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion.


1. An immature mind. 2. Fears typical of very young children. 3. A simple heart. 4. Behaviour improper for a grown person. 5. To look like a child. 6. Memories of one’s childhood. 7. Your talk is that of a foolish child.

Exercise 4. * Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. She had an idea that the religious were always grave and this sweet and... merriment touched her. 2. For an instant Philippa expected the explosion; prepared herself for an attack. One of Jimmy’s really... attacks of rage which were soon over and better off his chest. 3. The small children, without any fear of her, came to her in their... troubles and it gave her a peculiar happiness to discern their confidence. 4. Kitty laughed at the thought that this corpulent, middle-aged nun could ever have been a wayward child. And yet there was something... in her still so that your heart went out to her. 5. Mechanically he took the letter. It was on thick violet note paper with deckled edges, heavily scented, and written in Jenny’s round,... hand. 6. He stared at Arthur in a bewildered,... way. 7. Martha understood she was being sent to Coventry. She went next door and said: «Anton, you’re being absolutely....» 8. The general effect was chubby and rather..., so that one received the impression of quite a young man with;a broad set smile upon his face. 9. Sisters came into the room in which she was occupied and looked at her, chatting a little, with a sweet and... excitement. 10. Then the Manchu burst into... laughter. 11. In their... hearts was awe. 12. His... dreams did not include thoughts of money. 13. Once or twice when he came in he found her playing with Florrie —... games, played with coloured counters. 14. When he looked up at her and said: «Bertha, this is a very admirable souffle!» she almost could have wept with... pleasure. 15. Only little Octavia began to weep, saying over and over again with... despair, «They won’t give him back.» 16. His voice was deeply masculine, yet... and petulant. «Ma, why didn’t you wake me up?» 17. He had attended the little boy for some... complaint when he first came to the district. 18. Long past the age when it was excusably..., the sisters would giggle together whenever] any visitor came to the house.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. Stop sulking! Don’t be... 2. I like people with. 3. My brother is twenty-one years old, but he often asks... 4. Children are imaginative, as a rule, and... 5. The girl was seventeen, with delicate manners and... 6. When they explained to me what she had done, I thought … 7. When a child, I lived in the Far East, and... 8. He is well over sixty, but... 9. The mother is always the first …

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences and phrases in situations.

1. Her eyes opened wide with a childlike look, more of istonishment than anger. 2. All suddenly childish wave of lonesomeness broke over him, and he knew how far away he was; and how solitary..4. Her fragile, childlike beauty. 4. She was very slight, pale, with enormous eyes and magnificent black luiir, and at the piano she had a childlike wistfulness that was most appealing. 5. A young girl — his little granddaughter — was hanging about him, endeavouring, with a thousand childish devices, to engage his attention. 6. When they were small the parents doted on them, passed through agonies of apprehension at each childish ailment, and the children clung to their parents with love and adoration. 7. Such childish fancies as she had had of fairy palaces and kingly quarters now came back.


Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that go with the adjectives childish and childlike; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. He будь таким наивным! Нужно оценивать вещи трезво. 2. Детские представления обычно бывают очень яркими. 3. Хотя прошло много лет, Энтони не мог забыть своей полудетской любви к Рэп. 4. Он позвонил и услышал детский голос: «Кто там?» 5. Я сохранил много воспоминаний детства. 6. Ее по-детски непосредственная радость при виде диковинного цветка растрогала меня. 7. Я считаю, что мысль, которую вы только что высказали, совершенно несерьезна. 8. Было бы наивно поверить ее словам. 9. Лицом она была похожа на ребенка. 10. Ты ведешь себя, как ребенок! Разве можно плакать из-за таких пустяков?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 599. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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