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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases and sentences info Russian; use some of them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases and sentences info Russian; use some of them in sentences or situations.

1. To awaken one’s maternal, feelings. 2. To be wide (broad) awake. 3. To awake (wake up) early in the morning. 4. To awaken somebody by a loud knocking. 5. To awake (wake) with a cry. 6. To wake (up) the children. 7. To remain awake. 8. Neither asleep nor awake. 9. Hunger awoke in me. 10. To awake(n) one’s curiosity (memories). 11. To be awakened by the morning sun. 12. To (a)wake to one’s opportunities. 13. To keep somebody awake. 14. Her conscience woke. 15. To awake (wake up) with a splitting headache. 16. To awaken somebody to a sense of duty. 17. Those words awakened my suspicions. 18. There was enough noise to wake the dead. 19. She needs someone to wake her up. 20. An uneasy pause between sleeping and waking.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. Are you an early riser? What time do you normally wake up? 2. Could you wake me up at seven o’clock tomorrow? 3. How can a teacher of English awaken his (her) pupils’ interest in the subject? 4. Does M. Twain’s famous novel «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer» awaken any childish memories in you? 5. Did I wake you when I rang the bell? 6. Under what circumstances can a person be half-asleep, half-awake? 7. Do you often wake up with a start? How do you account for it? 8. Do you prefer to be awakened by ihe morning sun or by the shrill sound of the alarm-clock? 9. Did you ever have to spend a night without a wink of sleep? Is it an easy matter to remain awake all through the night? 10. Was the patient awake when you came up to him?.

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. To arouse one’s interest. 2. To get up very early in the morning. 3. To call forth pleasant memories. 4. To arouse somebody from a faint (sleep). 5. To be conscious of what is going on. 6. He realized where he was. 7. My suspicions were aroused. 8. Not asleep. 9. I felt pricks of conscience. 10. To cease to sleep.

Exercise 4. * Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. Vanamee disappeared. Presley... one morning to find him gone. 2. He was not asleep, he was not..., stupefied merely.3. One frosty morning Anthony and Steve were... by a loud knocking on the front door. 4. When he was sufficiently... Annixter thrust his feet into a pair of wicker slippers. 5. You’ll... the children if you shout so loudly. 6. He was broad... in the split of a moment. 7. Philippa felt curiously wide... and interested in life and things tonight. 8. Conrad Green... up depressed and for a moment could not think why. 9. It kept you... to have a bit of company. 10. Perhaps I should not have.... Perhaps I should have come to you in my sleep. 11. Nicky was a light sleeper and the least sound was apt to... him. 12. Vanamee, however, remained …. 13. Hop Higgins, the night watchman, was partially....14. She waited for an hour and... in a fright to a furious voice coming at her out of the night. 15. She was’... by a loud knocking. 16. He... suddenly, gripped by a crushing pain in his chest. 17. At six o’clock he... quietly lying on his back. 18. He continued to speak as though half..., his thoughts elsewhere. 19. His interest was so..: he forgot his awkwardness. 20. He lapsed into a semi-stupor, half-asleep, half.... 21. But on the following Friday, at six o’clock in the morning, he was... by a knocking on his bedroom door. 22. For upwards of three minutes he alternately dozed and.... 23. He said, «I’ve kept you... all night.» 24. He (the night watchman) did not sleep. By years of practice he had trained himself to sit for hours through the long nights neither asleep nor....25. «Come in.» «Did I... you?» he asked as he entered. «In point of fact you did,» she answered.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. When the doctor arrived, Johnny was sleeping gently... 2. The next morning Susan... 3. One whiff of cigarette smoke always... 4. I forget my dreams as soon as I... 5. You were fast asleep, and I did not get up, because I was afraid of... 6. I didn’t sleep a wink last night, and... 7. She had known nothing of the tragedy until she was... 8. He was wide... 9. In the morning when he... 10. The child was making enough noise to... 11. For hours he lay... 12. At six o’clock she... 13. His surreptitious glance... 14. The man shook the boy roughly by the shoulder and shouted …

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

1. She awoke with a start. 2. Often he woke in the grip of nightmare. 3. At ten o’clock he awoke and dressed himself. 4. When his father returned from work he was still awake.5. He awoke with a cry. 6. Was I glad to wake up! 7. Even the light on his face did not wake him. 8. He could not fail to awaken the full commiseration and sympathy of both Judge and jury. 9. He awoke next morning from rosy scenes of dream to a steamy atmosphere that smelled of soapsuds and dirty clothes. 10. He fell into a sound and dreamless sleep, from which he was only awakened by the morning sun darting his bright beams reproachfully into the apartment. 11. An hour later toward noon, his own terrific snoring woke him up suddenly. 12. At the end and beginning of each shift, the quiet streets would suddenly awake, re-echoing to steelshod footfalls.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that go with the verbs under discussion; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. В пять часов утра его разбудил громкий шум. 2. Когда мы бываем в деревне, нас обычно будит по утрам звонкое пение петухов. 3. Пожалуйста, не будите меня так рано. Я бы хотел немного отдохнуть. 4. Когда мать вошла в комнату, ребенок уже проснулся. 5. Проснитесь! Кто-то стучит! 6. Когда вы обычно просыпаетесь? 7. Вы не могли бы меня разбудить завтра в 7 часов утра? 8. Доклад вызвал живой интерес присутствующих. Он проснулся вовремя, но вышел из дому поздно и опоздал на урок. 10. Встреча пробудила в нем давно забытые воспоминания. 11. Она пролежала всю ночь, не смыкая глаз и размышляя о случившемся.


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