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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them hi NiMitcuccs or situations.


Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them hi NiMitcuccs or situations.

1. To be buried alive. 2. Within living memory. 3. A street alive with traffic. 4. A live shell. 5. Prejudices kept alive by ignorance. 6. To flay somebody alive. 7. Live fish. 8. The living image. 9. A river alive with boats. 10. The greatest living playwright. 11. To keep the fire alive. 12. A live dog. 13. To be alive to the danger. 14. A lively talk. 15. A lively session. 16. Very much alive. 17. A live match. 18. A lively breeze. 19. Lively colours. 20. A lively imagination. 21. A lively description. 22. A tradition that is still alive. 23. A lively dance. 24. In a lively manner. 25. Alive or dead. 26. Living languages. 27. A flower alive with bees. 28. Live embers. 29. A lively tune. 30. The hills are alive with the sounds of music.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What greatest living writers and poets of England and America do you know? 2. Who are the greatest living painters of the world? 3. Are your grandparents alive? 4. Do you ever buy live fish in the shops? Why not? 5. The polka is a lively dance, isn’t it? 6. Can you name a few prejudices kept alive by ignorance? 7. Name several living languages spoken in Europe. Do you know any dead European languages? 8. Have you ever seen a live giraffe? What does it look like? 9. Is it an easy matter to keep the fire alive in windy weather? Why not? 10. Are there many streets alive with traffic in your town?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. A language spoken nowadays as a native tongue. 2. A stream teeming with fish. 3. Conscious of the cold wind. 4. An old tradition that is still in existence. 5. A glowing spark. 6. A child full of vitality. 7. An unused match. 8. An unexploded bomb. 9. He is very active. 10. She is exactly like her aunt.

Exercise 4. * Fill in the blanks using one of (he words under discussion.

1. Forty-five dollars for roses! And the man hated flowers even when he was...! 2. «I don’t know exactly ‘ow to begin,» said Pryce uncertainly, a serious look strangely changing his... puckered face. 3. «Ahem!» he cleared his throat and his Adam’s apple moved as if it were.... 4. They felt like men who with the skin of their teeth have escaped a sudden and violent death and touch their feet and heads and scarce able to believe that they are still..., look about them in amazement. 5. He wrestled, ran, punched a ball filled with fig seeds, rode bareback, learned to throw missiles and ward them off, his interest being kept... by innumerable competitions for boys of different ages. 6. It (the dress) was full about the hips and the ground-colour was a warm and... brown, the colour of some autumn leaves. 7. We had a wonderful morning and as usual got home late for lunch and were flayed... by Mummy. 8. He felt suddenly old and out of things, a little dried up wizened old fogey of a man. Each side of him were the hedges, very green and.... 9. She looked at it (the ring) sometimes and wondered whether the soldier had given away his luck with it and whether he were... or dead. 10. Daniel, coming in sweating from work, seemed by contrast excessively.... 11. The opportunities to see... circus are rapidly diminishing in this country. 12. There were solemn couples, making an art of it with complex steps;... young ones, laughing at each other; romantic ones, jammed very close, with moony faces. 13. She would not marry while her parents were.... 14. Kitty was...; she was willing to chatter all day long and she laughed easily. 15. «Why did he have to shoot himself in the head?’» «Well, he never had any vanity about his looks,.... I doubt if he gave much thought to how he would look dead.»


Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. M. Sholokhov is one of the best-known... 2. The traffic was heavy, and the street was... 3. He used to tell me very ingenious stories; indeed, he has... 4. The daughter was the... 5. The birds were awake, and the forest was... 6. I have never seen a... 7. The shell exploded close at hand, but the soldier... 8. His eyes are very intelligent and... 9. The patient looks more... 10. Russian, English, French, German, etc. are...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations. (For the model see p. 7.)

1. The radio came alive again. 2. She had a lively sense of the ridiculous. 3. Her eyes, wide apart and alive, slanted upwards at their outer corners. 4. All the way down the street she had felt those lively brown eyes upon her, respectful, attentive, admiring.5. They saw something that was alive but which could hardly be called a man. It was blind, unconscious. 6. No living man all things can. 7. A living dog is better than a dead lion. 8. «You’re jolly lucky to be alive,» I said. 9. But it must have been a remarkably ingenious and lively imagination, that could have discovered any resemblance between it and an old man. 10. The sketches were good, though slapdash. They were lively and true. 11. She had a lively sense of humour. 12. Underfoot the land was alive; roused at last from its sleep.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that go with the adjectives live, lively, living; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. У Тома Сойера, как и у многих мальчиков его возраста, было очень живое воображение и неиссякаемый запас энергии. 2. Костер погас, но красные угли в золе оставались еще долго. 3. Впервые я увидел настоящего фокусника в цирке, когда мне было восемь дет. 4. Этот концерт передается непосредственно в эфир, без предварительной записи на пленку. 5. Подруги не виделись целое лето и сейчас очень оживленно разговаривали, обмениваясь впечатлениями. 6. При прокладке новой дороги были обнаружены два неразорвавшихся снаряда. 7. Этот мальчик — копия своего деда. 8. Его лицо внезапно оживилось. 9. Полиция поставила задачу схватить патриота живым или мертвым. 10. Этот ручей изобилует рыбой и раками. 11. Она глубоко чувствует красоту музыки. 12. Удивительно, что он остался жив после такой серьезной травмы.

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