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Read and translate the following sentences paying special attention to the words in bold type.

1. «... I don’t like it.» Ma smiled. Doc was the only member of the mob allowed to speak his mind or offer advice. Ma seldom took his advice, but she liked to listen to him. He was someone to talk to when she was lonely, and sometimes his advice was sound. 2. He had nothing to do with the management of the ranch and if Hooven wanted any advice from him, it was so much breath wasted. 3. I’m afraid I can’t talk to you now. My advice to you is to sit tight. 4. Having begged for Punch’s advice, she hadn’t taken it. Well, he bore her no malice for that. He had never yet found a soul who took advice when it was given them. 5. You gave me good advice, Mr Holmes. 6. Patroni’s advice about not getting the aircraft more deeply mired made good sense. 7. What good is my advice on a morning like this? 8. I’ve come to ask your advice. 9. «Keep your job here, and let the future take care of the rest.» «I think that’s good advice



Advice n. Opinion given or offered as to what to do or how to behave, e.g. a piece of ~\he took his doctor’s ~; legal ~.

The noun advice — совет, консультация (врача, юриста) is never used with the indefinite article; nor is it used in the plural form. The form advices has a different meaning: сообщения, информация, e.g. diplomatic advices.


Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. Useful advice. 2. A piece of advice. 3. Sound advice. 4. To follow (take) somebody’s advice. 5. To ask for somebody’s advice. 6. To offer advice. 7. Professional advice. 8. Legal advice. 9. Medical advice.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. Why do you think that your friend’s advice is always worth taking? 2. Do you ever follow anyone’s advice? Why? 3. Could you give me a piece of advice? 4. Which is easier, giving or taking advice? 5. Is it always an easy matter to follow your doctor’s advice? 6. Whose advice did you follow, your sister’s or your friend’s? Why? 7. Under what circumstances can a person give sound advice? 8. Do you know what piece of advice our teacher gave me yesterday?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using the word under discussion.

I. A piece of information supplied by a doctor. 2. Something one advises to do. 3. The lawyer explained to me what I should do. 4. What do you suggest I should do? 5. The doctor advised me to go to bed at once. 6. What he advised me to do is not very clever.

Exercise 4*. Insert articles or personal pronouns wherever required.

1. It seems Aunt Effie had given her... good advice as to spilling anything she knew. Pity the girl didn’t take it.’2. He seemed indeed to be on the point of offering me further... sage advice. 3. Mother was at her wits’ end. From whom could she seek... advice? 4. Lew, Hymie, and Rose never asked for... advice. She often gave it, but they did not need or take it. 5. I laughed. «That sounds like... Rood advice. I’ll remember it.» 6. Punch never borrowed, never took her gifts, gave her... sound advice and real affection. 7. I don’t want you to do anything. I’m only talking, not giving... advice. 8. «You see,» Douglas went on slowly, «what I want is not only... legal advice.» 9. He urged Parents to take... professional advice before deciding. 10. Vaughan’s gardener, John Roberts, kept coming over, bringing bulbs and cuttings, offering … advice.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences.

1. She took her father’s advice, and... 2. In compliance With this advice... 3. You gave me good advice... 4. His advice seemed... 5. I wanted no advice from... 6. My advice to you is... 7. The girl never asked for her mother’s advice, and... 8. Tony’s advice about... 9. He always gives me sound advice... 10. I’m afraid I can’t follow your advice... 11. If you take my advice and study hard …

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

Model: Please take my advice.

The old man did not like the way his grandson read books. The boy never concentrated on what he was reading, his attention wandered in different directions, and naturally he understood and remembered very little. «Please take my advice and be more attentive,» his grandfather pleaded with him. «It’ll do you a world of good in the future.»

1. «I don’t follow my own advice,» he said and winked. 2. «... After which I will give you my valuable advice. You needn’t take it,» he added consolingly. «People seldom do take advice, but you might as well have it.» 3. If you need any further advice or help, come to me. 4. That is my advice to you. 5. He gave me a great deal of good advice which I was unwise enough to discount. 6. She has a good sound head and her advice is always worth taking.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of adjectives and verbs that go with the noun advice; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Она всегда помогает мне своими советами. 2. Я постараюсь последовать вашему совету. 3. Вы не послушались моего совета в свое время, а теперь я уже ничем не могу вам помочь. 4. Прямо не знаю, к кому обратиться за советом. 5. Она очень практичный человек и всегда дает разумные советы. 6. Вы бы не могли дать мне совет относительно подготовки к экзамену? 7. Спасибо большое за совет! Вы меня очень выручили. 8. Преподаватель дал студенту несколько полезных советов. 9. Мой совет очень прост: съездите на пару дней за город, и я уверен, что вы почувствуете себя намного лучше. 10. Разрешите мне дать вам один совет. 11. К сожалению, советы, которые дают родители своим детям, иногда остаются без внимания. 12. Прошу тебя, послушайся моего совета.

Revision Exercises.

(based on the Introductory Material)

Exercise 1. Make up several questions of different types (including indirect questions) based on the following sentences: 4, 5.

Exercise 2. Make up several sentences on the analogy of sentences 4,7.

Exercise 3. Comment on the following sentences: 1, 4.

Exercise 4. Develop the following sentences into short situations: 3, 5.

Exercise 5. Build dialogues round the following sentences: 7, 9.

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