Get off the ground
If a project or plan gets off the ground, it starts to be put into operation. Get on your nerves If something gets on your nerves, it annoys or irritates you. Get the axe If you get the axe, you lose your job. ('Get the ax' is the American spelling.) Get the green light If you get the green light to do something, you are given the necessary permission, authorisation. Get the hang of it When you get the hang of something, you are familiar with it and know how to do it. Get the picture If you get the picture, you understand a situation fully. Get wind of If you get wind of something, you hear or learn about it, especially if it was meant to be secret. Get your feet wet If you get your feet wet, you gain your first experience of something. Get your hands dirty If you get your hands dirty, you become involved in something where the realities might compromise your principles. It can also mean that a person is not just stuck in an ivory tower dictating strategy, but is prepared to put in the effort and hard work to make the details actually happen. Get your teeth into If you get your teeth into something, you become involved in or do something that is intellectually challenging or satisfying. ('Dig you teeth into' and 'sink your teeth into' are also used.)