Grey pound
(UK) In the UK, the grey pound is an idiom for the economic power of elderly people. Grey suits The men in grey suits are people who have a lot of power in business or politics, but aren't well-known or charismatic. Grin and bear it If you have to grin and bear it, you have to accept something that you don't like. Growing pains If a business is going through some growing pains, it is experiencing the typical problems that arise when a company becomes stronger and bigger. Guinea-pig If you are a guinea-pig, you take part in an experiment of some sort and are used in the testing. Gunboat diplomacy If a nation conducts its diplomatic relations by threatening military action to get what it wants, it is using gunboat diplomacy. H Hang in the balance If an outcome is hanging in the balance, there are at least two possibilities and it is impossible to predict which will win out. Hard cheese (UK) Hard cheese means hard luck. Hard miles If you have done the hard miles, you have done the hard difficult work and that makes you eligible to comment or participate in something. Hard on someone's heels If you are hard on someone's heels, you are close to them and trying to catch or overtake them. ('Hot on someone's heels' is also used.)