Jockey for position
If a number of people want the same opportunity and are struggling to emerge as the most likely candidate, they are jockeying for position. Jog my memory If you jog someone's memory, you say words that will help someone trying to remember a thought, event, word, phrase, experience, etc. Join the club Said when someone has expressed a desire or opinion, meaning "That viewpoint is not unique to you". It can suggest that the speaker should stop complaining since many others are in the same position. Example: "If this train doesn't come, I'll be late for work!" "Join the club!" Jump down someone's throat If you jump down someone's throat, you criticise or chastise them severely. Just for the record If something is said to be just for the record, the person is saying it so that people know but does not necessarily agree with or support it. Just off the boat If someone is just off the boat, they are naive and inexperienced. Just what the doctor ordered If something's just what the doctor ordered, it is precisely what is needed. K Keep in touch If you keep in touch with someone, you keep communicating with them even though you may live far apart. Keep your chin up (UK) This expression is used to tell someone to have confidence.