Live and let live
If you live and let live, you accept other people as they are, although they may have a different way of life. Loan shark A loan shark lends money at very high rates of interest. Lock the stable door after the horse has bolted If someone takes action too late, they do this; there is no reason to lock an empty stable. Lock, stock and barrel This is an expressions that means 'everything'; if someone buys a company lock, stock and barrel, they buy absolutely everything to do with the company. Lone wolf A lone wolf is a person who prefers to do things on their own or without help from other people. Long face Someone with a long face is sad or depressed about something. Long shot If something is a long shot, there is only a very small chance of success. Long time no hear The speaker could say this when they have not heard from a person, either through phone calls or emails for a long time. Long time no see 'Long time no see' means that the speaker has not seen that person for a long time. Look before you leap This idiom means that you should think carefully about the possible results or consequences before doing something. Look on the bright side If you look on the bright side, you try to see things in an optimistic way, especially when something has gone wrong.