Mover and shaker
A person who is a mover and shaker is a highly respected, key figure in their particular area with a lot of influence and importance. Much ado about nothing If there's a lot of fuss about something trivial, there's much ado about nothing. My hands are full If your hands are full, you have so much to do that you cannot take on any more work, responsibilities and so on. My hands are tied If your hands are tied, you are unable to act for some reason. My way or the highway This idiom is used to say that if people don't do what you say, they will have to leave or quit the project, etc. N Nail in the coffin A nail in someone or something's coffin is a problem or event that is a clear step towards an inevitable failure. Needle in a haystack If trying to find something is like looking for a needle in a haystack, it means that it is very difficult, if not impossible to find among everything around it. Nest egg If you have some money saved for the future, it is a nest egg. New brush sweeps clean 'A new brush sweeps clean' means that someone with a new perspective can make great changes. However, the full version is 'a new brush sweeps clean, but an old brush knows the corners', which warns that experience is also a valuable thing. Sometimes 'broom' is used instead of 'brush'.