Pay peanuts
If some is paid peanuts, their salary is very low. Pick someone's brains If you pick someone's brains, you ask them for advice, suggestions and information about something they know about. Pick up the pace To speed things up If you pin someone down with a label, you characterise them, often meant negatively as the label is restrictive. Pin money (UK) If you work for pin money, you work not because you need to but because it gives you money for extra little luxuries and treats. Pink slip If someone receives a pink slip, they receive a letter telling them they have lost their job. Pipe dream A pipe dream is an unrealistic, impractical idea or scheme. Place in the sun If you have your place in the sun, you find wealth, happiness or whatever you are looking for in life. Plain sailing If something is relatively easy and there are no problems doing it, it is plain sailing. Plan B Plan B is an alternate or fall-back position or method when the initial attempt or plan goes wrong. Plastic smile When someone is wearing a plastic smile, they are appear to be happier with a situation or events than they actually are. This is actually a description of the forced smile you might see in many photographs.