Play ball
If you play ball, you agree to do what someone asks you to do or agree to work with someone in order to achieve something together (often negative) Play hardball If someone plays hardball, they are very aggressive in trying to achieve their aim. Play second fiddle If you play second fiddle, you take a subordinate role behind someone more important. Play with fire If people take foolish risks, they are playing with fire. Poker face Someone with a poker face doesn't show any emotion or reaction so that people don't know what they are feeling. Pole position If you're in pole position, you're in the best position to win or achieve something. Poles apart When two people or parties have an opinion or point of view that is as far apart as they could possibly be, they are poles apart. Poor as a church mouse If someone is as poor as a church mouse, they are very poor indeed. Problem is thirty If a problem is 30, the problem is the person who sits 30 cm from the computer screen. It is used to describe people that lack technical knowledge and can be used when you insult someone who's having computer problems. Prodigal son A prodigal son is a young man who wastes a lot on money on a lavish lifestyle. If the prodigal son returns, they return to a better way of living.