IV Scan text A to fill in the spaces with correct prepositions.
1 Avionics is a large class __ an aircraft systems, consisting __ communicational, navigational, display, flight management, indicating, radar, electrical and etc. equipment. 2 Avionic systems are the most essential __ all types of aircrafts. 3 They had been used __ a long time and even nowadays they are still __ use. 4 Micro air data computers receive pitot/static pressures and total air temperature inputs __computing standard air data functions. 5 Pitot/static systems consist __ pitot tubes (heads), static ports, static moisture drain valves, tubing, hoses and fittings. 6 Routing __the pitot/static lines is accomplished utilizing clamps__ secure the tubing __thestructure. 7 Flex hoses are installed __ tubing and the operating components or instruments. 8 Pilot and copilot's pitot tubes are symmetrically, located __ the nose of airplane. 9 The standby pitot tube is located __ the copilot's side window. 10 Pitot tubes are separated and positioned __ provide total pressure input and minimizepossibility __ total pitot loss due__ birdstrike. 11One static port is __ the left side and one is __the right side __ the airplane. 12 Interconnecting lines connect the left static port __the right static port and __ correspondingcomponents/indicators. 13 All three static ports, __ each side, are located __ one static port plate assembly. 14 Pilot's static system uses top static port __ the left static port plate assembly and the bottomstatic port __the right static port plate assembly. 15 Copilot's static system uses the bottom static port __ the left static port plate assembly and the top static port__ the right static port plate assembly. 16 Standby static system uses the aft static port__ both static port plate assemblies. 17 Static port plate assemblies are, located __ the lower side __ the fuselage, __ the pilot's and copilot's side window.