IX Choose the correct answer.
1 Model 750 has….. A) two dependent pitot systems and three independent static systems. B) four independent pitot systems and four independent static systems. C) five dependent pitot systems and five dependent static systems. D) three independent pitot systems and four dependent static systems. E) three independent pitot systems and three independent static systems. 2 Pilot and copilot's pitot tubes are symmetrically, A) located on the tail of airplane. B) located on central part of the airplane. C) located on the fuselage of the airplane. D)located on the nose of airplane. E) located on the wing of airplane. 3 Each static system has…. A) three static ports. B)two static ports. C) four static ports. D) five static ports. E) one static port. 4 The altimeter shows ……. . A) the weight of the aircraft above sea level. B)the depth of the aircraft above ground level. C)the height of the aircraft on the sea level. D)the height of the aircraft on the ground level. E)the height of the aircraft above sea level. 5 The tube is mounted ….. A) horizontally below the center of the dial. B)horizontally on the right of the dial. C) horizontally on the left of the dial. D)horizontally above the center of the dial. E)horizontally below the center of the tail. 6 The rate-of-climb indicator shows the rate at which an aircraft is …… A)climbing or descending. B) taking off or climbing. C) landing or taking off. D) climbing. E) descending.