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Plain Language Vocabulary

Here is an assorted list of problem words and phrases. I suggest you substitute those in the left column with the ones in the right

  Bad     Good
Accordingly So, therefore
Afforded Given
Aforesaid Omit
All and singular All
And/or And, or, either …… or, both
As a result of Because of
At this point in time Now
Bring an action against Sue
By virtue of Because of, under
Consequently So
Contained in In
Covenant and agree Agree
The day and year first hereinabove written State the date
Devise Give
Enclosed please find We enclose
Endeavour Try
Estop Stop
Et al And the others, the rest
Expeditiously Quickly, state a time limit
Fails to Does not
For and on behalf of For
Fortwith Immediately, now, state a time limit
From time to time Omit
Furnish Give
He/She/It/They They (as singular and plural)
Give consideration to Consider
Grant Give
Henceforth From now on
Hereby, hereinafter called, hereunto, howsoever Omit
Implement Carry out, fulfill
In respect of About, for, as to
Instrument Document
In the event of If
Last will and testament Will
Make an application Apply
Make payment Pay
Means and includes Means, includes
Nothing in this clause This clause does not
Not less than At least
Not more than At most
Notwithstanding Even if
Now therefore this agreement witnesseth Omit
Null void and of no effect Of no effect
Party of the first part/Party of the other part Use client names
Prior to Before
Provided that But, if
Pursuant to Under, according to
Request Ask
Shall (future) Will
Shall (imperative) Must
Subsequent to After
Terms and conditions Terms
Until such time as Until
Whatsoever, wheresoever, whosoever Omit
With the result that So that

Jettison words and phrases on the left and use those on the right.

  Bad   Good  
Ab initio From the start
Amicus curiae Friend of the court
A priori From assumed principles
Bona fide Good faith, genuine, honest
Chattels Goods
Et al And the others, the rest
Et seq And those following
In personam Personal, personally
Inter alia Among other things
Inter se Among themselves
Mens rea State of mind
Mutatis mutandis With necessary changes
Obiter dictum Part of the judgment not essential to case decision
Prima facie At first glance
Res ipsa loquitor It speaks for itself
Sui generic The only one of its kind
Sui juris Of full legal capacity
To wit Namely
Uberrimae fide Utmost good faith

Do not use several words when some will do (Robert Dick describes this as killing one bird with three stones, Legal Drafting in Plain Language, 1995)

  Bad     Good
Alienate transfer and convey Transfer
Due and payable Due
Each and every Every
Fit and proper Proper
Free and clear Free
From and after From
Give devise and bequeath Give
Goods and chattels Goods
Have and hold Have
Had and received Received
Indemnify and hold harmless Indemnify
Keep and maintain Maintain
Null void and of no effect Of no effect
Rest residue and remainder Rest, balance
Remise release and quitclaim Release
Save and except Except
Will and testament Will

Many law firms, consulting agencies and commercial institutions realize the benefits of using plain language - and draft documents, correspondence and pleadings keeping the reader in mind



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