Some Fundamentals
The fact is that -
- it is possible to express legal concepts in plain language
- plain language is legally effective and precise
- plain language is effective for lawyers and clients
- readers prefer plain language
Lawyers depend on language. They earn from it. General grammar rules govern their language use. They think otherwise. Let us see some common principles that lawyers should use -
1. Write in the present tense - and not the future. Law speaks constantly 2. Use active voice - and not passive, unless for a particular reason. The prospectus may be issued by the Company becomes The Company may issue the prospectus 3. Be positive - and not negative! Persons without a passport may becomes Only persons with a passport may 4. Do not nominalize - do not convert verbs into nouns. Instead of Make a statement, write State 5. Shift citations in footnotes - don't clutter flowing text 6. Avoid sexist usage - it is rude 7. Avoid word/numeral doublets - only numerals are enough 8. Avoid all capitals sentences - the text looks crude and hinders reading
Some more principles are -
Secret of plain language drafting
| CONSIDER YOUR READER – whether client, opponent lawyer, barrister, judge, corporate official, lay person
| One more secret of plain language drafting
| TONE, COURTESY AND FORMALITY – adopt them to suit each occasion
| Dignified language
| AVOID POMPOSITY - no wordy, verbose writing
| Do you need to write?
| Document structure
| THINK, PLAN, ORGANIZE – Basic answer first, details and exceptions later
for example, Opinion letter – client query and your opinion, first; the law and citation to follow
for example, Loan and Security document – loan amount, security, interest rate and repayment dates, first; other details to follow
| Paragraphs, Sentences
| BITE-SIZE CHUNKS – do not write a paragraph with 100 lines and no period or comma (William Zinsser says “There’s not much to be said about the period except that most writers don’t reach it soon enough”, On Writing Well, 1995)
PUNCTUATION – use it sensibly
AVERAGE SENTENCE LENGTH – 15-20 words; note that it is “average” and not “every”. Keep one thought per sentence
SENTENCE STRUCTURE – subject, verb, object.
| Schedules, Appendixes, Annexures
If it contains primary material – put the schedule at the beginning of the document
for example, in Home Loans, these details form the schedule – names of employer/employee, addresses, job title, period of employment, annual salary, other benefits, desired property
If it contains secondary material – put the schedule at the end of the document, before signature clauses
for example, in Property Sale Agreements, the description of the property forms the schedule
| Terms of Art – Legal Words
| IS THERE A PLAIN LANGUAGE ALTERNATIVE? If not, use the technical term
FOREIGN AND LATIN WORDS – please do not use them
DEFINITIONS – do not use many of them
| Document design
| Use serif type styles; with font size of 10-14 points. Justify the text to the left margin and leave it right-ragged. Keep plenty of white space around your text
Use diagrams, tables and charts. Yes, I am talking to lawyers
Use headings, numbering, bullets, highlighting, indexes and table of contents
Avoid underlining or only upper case
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