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| The Intel Pentium Processor
| The Intel Pentium is a fifth-generation x86 architecture microprocessor, introduced on March 22, 1993. It is the successor to the 486 line. The Pentium was originally to be named 80586 or i586, but the name was changed to Pentium because numbers could not be trademarked. 586 is however, used in programming referring to all the early Pentium processors, and Pentium-like processors made by the Intel competition. The original Pentium microprocessor had the internal code name P5, and was a pipelined in-order superscalar microprocessor, produced using a 0.8 µm process. It was followed by the second generation Pentium P54, a shrink of the P5 to a 0.6 µm process, which was dual-processor ready and had an internal clock speed different from the front side bus (it's much more difficult to increase the bus speed than to increase the internal clock). In turn, the P54 was followed by the 3rd generation P54C, which used a 0.35 µm process - a pure CMOS process, as opposed to the Bipolar CMOS process that was used for the earlier Pentiums. The early versions of 60-100 MHz Pentiums had a problem in the floating point unit that, in rare cases, resulted in reduced precision of division operations. This bug, discovered in 1994, became known as the Pentium FDIV bug and caused great embarrassment for Intel, which created an exchange program to replace the faulty processors with corrected ones. The 60 and 66 Mhz 0.8 µm versions of the Pentium processors were also known for their fragility and their (for the time) high levels of heat production.
FDIV-Bug Following S-Spec numbers are affected:
| P5-50:
| Q0399
| P5-60:
| Q0352, Q0394, Q0400, Q0412, Q0466, SX753, SX835, SZ949
| P5-66:
| Q0353, Q0395, Q0413, Q0467, SX754, SX837, SZ950
| P54-75:
| Q0540, Q0541, Q0601, Q0606, SX951
| P54-90:
| Q0542, Q0543, Q0611, Q0612, Q0613, Q0628, SX679, SX874, SX885, SX909, SX921, SX922, SX923, SX942, SX943, SX944, SZ951
| P54-100:
| Q0563, Q0587, Q0614, Q0677, SX886, SX910, SX960
| References: Ars Technica: An Architectural History Pentium at Wikpedia
| The Intel Pentium Processor
| The Intel Pentium is a fifth-generation x86 architecture microprocessor, introduced on March 22, 1993. It is the successor to the 486 line. The Pentium was originally to be named 80586 or i586, but the name was changed to Pentium because numbers could not be trademarked. 586 is however, used in programming referring to all the early Pentium processors, and Pentium-like processors made by the Intel competition. The original Pentium microprocessor had the internal code name P5, and was a pipelined in-order superscalar microprocessor, produced using a 0.8 µm process. It was followed by the second generation Pentium P54, a shrink of the P5 to a 0.6 µm process, which was dual-processor ready and had an internal clock speed different from the front side bus (it's much more difficult to increase the bus speed than to increase the internal clock). In turn, the P54 was followed by the 3rd generation P54C, which used a 0.35 µm process - a pure CMOS process, as opposed to the Bipolar CMOS process that was used for the earlier Pentiums. The early versions of 60-100 MHz Pentiums had a problem in the floating point unit that, in rare cases, resulted in reduced precision of division operations. This bug, discovered in 1994, became known as the Pentium FDIV bug and caused great embarrassment for Intel, which created an exchange program to replace the faulty processors with corrected ones. The 60 and 66 Mhz 0.8 µm versions of the Pentium processors were also known for their fragility and their (for the time) high levels of heat production.
FDIV-Bug Following S-Spec numbers are affected:
| P5-50:
| Q0399
| P5-60:
| Q0352, Q0394, Q0400, Q0412, Q0466, SX753, SX835, SZ949
| P5-66:
| Q0353, Q0395, Q0413, Q0467, SX754, SX837, SZ950
| P54-75:
| Q0540, Q0541, Q0601, Q0606, SX951
| P54-90:
| Q0542, Q0543, Q0611, Q0612, Q0613, Q0628, SX679, SX874, SX885, SX909, SX921, SX922, SX923, SX942, SX943, SX944, SZ951
| P54-100:
| Q0563, Q0587, Q0614, Q0677, SX886, SX910, SX960
| References: Ars Technica: An Architectural History Pentium at Wikpedia
| Pentium P54 Desktop
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