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Samsung lead the market overall business strategy for 2011 big-screen release

As the leading brand of commercial display, Samsung commercial large screen in the near future in Beijing issued a "second-generation super-vision LCD video wall, seamless UD55A", with cutting-edge technology, excellent product quality, energy meter access to the industry's attention.

An Fengshan Minister of Samsung Electronics in Greater China, Mr. Dakehubu, product manager for Samsung Electronics in Greater China Dakehubu Antarctic Zhai, product manager for Samsung Electronics in Greater China Dakehubu Suida Peng took part in the conference, and on Samsung's big business strategies screen was kwh meter released in 2011.

An Fengshan Minister of Samsung Electronics in Greater China Dakehubu President, first to Samsung's overall business development strategy in 2011 was introduced: "Samsung Business Since entering the China market, electricity meter with innovative technology and superior products, won China market acceptance, many commercial products in China have grown rapidly, especially in the commercial large-screen, Samsung's business as a core product, through the unremitting efforts, Static meter China has already reached the market first. in the future our main strategy is to consolidate the market first place, from the products, prepaid meter markets, channels and other aspects of innovation, as more users in different sectors to adapt to the needs of commercial large screen display products and solutions. "

Market leader - cultivating industry and writing success.

At the market level, according to product manager for Samsung Electronics in Greater China Dakehubu Mr. Zhai Antarctic, power meter Samsung a leading brand as a display area, but also the most complete national commercial product line, high-tech companies, has been dedicated to the domestic industry users terminal display to provide the best equipment and solutions, is currently in the commercial display areas, the market share far more than other competitors, has for many years occupied the commercial display market in China first, and has been in energy, transportation, finance, media, telecommunications and other fields have achieved excellent results.

Thus, Samsung's 2011 big-screen industry business strategy, in addition to consolidating the market first, there is another important aspect is that with their competition in the industry on existing strengths, to further expand on the existing industry to replicate success stories promotion, in other industries, and develop more applications to adapt to the needs of different industries products and solutions to effectively play a large screen Samsung commercial product advantages, tap the emerging applications.

Product leader - innovation, leading the development.

In the product strategy, according to product manager for Samsung Electronics in Greater China Dakehubu Mr. Sui Dapeng, the launch of the second generation of super-vision LCD video wall, seamless splicing UD55A is the field of LCD and an innovative product, the liquid crystal mosaic conducted a further breakthrough in core technology, border narrowest point is only 1.8mm, making splicing bilateral distance reached 5.5mm, 6mm is the first breakthrough within the patchwork mosaic of LCD products. UD55A the market, led the field of LCD technology development trend of splicing, also indicates that formal entry into the 5.5mm LCD splicing era

In addition to further breakthroughs in the frame spacing, Samsung UD55A also conducted a LED display, application extensions and many other innovative core technologies, the use of the direct type LED LCD screen, increasing the viewing area, and improve the screen brightness to 700nits, ensures accurate, detailed picture rendering. In addition, 6 million hours MTBF, Magicinfo software applications, the introduction of multimedia ports, the value of its products have been greatly improved.

In addition to LCD splicing product innovation, according to Sui Dapeng introduced in 2011, Samsung will also introduce more commercial large-screen LED backlit display products, interactive touch display products, display products, a variety of professional-use innovation and technology products, which corresponds to the current development trend of liquid crystal display will also develop more industries applications.

The content of the above can be seen as a leader in the field of commercial displays, and business leader in display technology, Samsung large screen in the 2011 business goal is not only to consolidate first position, but also expect the product, industry and other aspects of lead, widening the distance with the other competitors. With the needs of the user-oriented, adhere to technological innovation, focusing on the survival difference, we have reason to believe that the future big-screen Samsung's business users will be better for the Chinese industry leading products and better meet the needs of the commercial display solutions, and promote the rapid development of China's commercial display market.

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd is predicted in this quarter take over Nokia Corp. and the become the world’s largest smartphone producer, knocking Nokia back to 2nd place. This is according to the financial services group Nomura Holdings. Samsung is in the process of globally releasing the new Galaxy S II, the company’s sequel to the massively popular Galaxy S.

Nokia is also expected to slip behind Apple Inc. in the next quater in the smartphone market to third place, due to Apple’s continually rising sales of the iPhone 4, and the soon to be release iPhone 5.

Nokia has been the smartphone market innovator and leader for 14 years, debuting their first smartphones in 1996. Their fall from the top is due to the dropping sales and phasing out of the company’s outdated Symbian operating system, and the continuing development and improvement of Google’s Android operating system and Apple’s iOS. Despite this Nokia will still remain the world’s overall largest mobile phone producer.

Nokia has begun switching over to Microsoft’s smartphone operating system abandoning software development and focusing primarily on physical smartphone development as part of a business strategy set out by the company in early February.

Samsung will have slight competition in 2012 to maintain a leading production and sales position in the smartphone market against the Apple iPhone, but with the release of the Samsung Galaxy S II and a continuing record number of Android phones being activated internationally every day, the number one spot should be well secured by samsung in the short term.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 480. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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