Define the kind of association involved in the semantic change.
Model: glass (transparent solid substance used of making windows, bottles, etc. – a glass (a container used for drinking, made of glass) – metonymy or the contiguity of meaning.
A) 1) a foot of a person – a foot of a hill; 2) jean (heavy twilled cotton cloth, esp. denim) – jeans (trousers made of denim); 3) Matisse (proper name) – a Matisse (a painting); 4) the wing of a bird – the wing of a building; 5) the key to a door – the key to a mystery. 6) copper (metal) – copper (coin); 7) the heart of a man – the heart of a city; 8) crown (a circular ornamental headdress worn by a monarch) – crown (monarchy); 9) a whip (a lash used to urge horses on) – a whip (an official in the British Parliament to see that members are present at debates; 10) China (a country) – china (dished made of porcelain (фарфор).
B) 1. eye (one of the two body parts in your face) – eye (a hole in the end of a needle); 2) jersey (knitted cloth) – jersey (knitted shirt or sweater); 3) silver (metal) – silver (collection of silver things); 4) branch (part of a tree that grows out of its trunk) – branch (a part of a particular area of study or knowledge); 5. tongue (an organ in mouth) – tongue (language); 6) head (top part of body) – head (the leader or most important person in a group); 7. hot tea (very high in temperature) – hot love (involving strong emotions); 8. skirt (a piece of clothes) – skirt (a girl or young woman); 9. nose (the part of your face above your mouth) – nose (the front part of an aircraft or boat); 10) Parliament (assembly) – Parliament (building).