SSD2: Introduction to Computer Systems
SYLLABUS Semester: Fall 2012 2012/2013 Academic Year 3 credits (1/1/1) Lecturer Name: Khamitov Alim Nadimovich Office: 807 Telephone: e-mail:
Teacher Name (labs): Khamitov Alim Nadimovich Office: 807 Telephone: e-mail: Prerequisites: no Course Description: This course provides an introduction to some of the most important features of present-day computer systems. You will learn how computers work and how they are used to solve problems. In order to concentrate your studies on one particular type of computer system, a Microsoft Windows-based personal computer is used as the primary example. This course is organized into six units. Each unit contains information in the form of textbook readings, Web notes readings, and learning exercises designed to help you understand the material. Each unit also has several quizzes and a homework exercise, which allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of the material. There are three exams. In the course Help pages, you can read about how to work through the quizzes, exercises, and exams. Please note that several of the pages in this course contain links to Web sites outside the iCarnegie site, and from time to time one or another of these sites become temporarily unavailable, causing the course links to them to fail.