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Modal Verbs

§ 1. Modal verbs are used to show the speaker's attitude toward the action or state indicated by the infinitive, i. e. they show that the action indicated by the infinitive is considered as possible, impossible, prob­able, improbable, obligatory, necessary, advisable, doubtful or uncertain, etc. The modal verbs are: can (could), may (might), must, should, ought, shall, will, would, need, dare. The modal expressions to be + Infinitive and to have+ Infinitive also belong here.

Modal verbs are called defective because all of them (except dare and need) lack verbals and analytical forms (i. e. compound tenses, analytical forms of the Subjunctive Mood, the Passive Voice). Besides they do not take in the third person singular. They also have the fol­lowing peculiarities:

1. All of them (except ought and sometimes dare and need) are followed by the infinitive without the particle to.

2.All of them (except dare and need) form the negative and the interrogative form without the auxiliary do.

3.All the modal verbs have two negative forms — a full one and a contracted one:

should not — shouldn't

may not — mayn't

must not — mustn't

need not — needn't

dare not — daren't

Note the peculiar contracted form of some modal verbs:

cannot — can't [ka:nt] shall not — shan't [ʃa:nt] will not — won't [wəunt]

§ 2. Can.

The verb can has two forms: can for the Present Tense and could for the Past Tense; the expression to be able and the verb to manage are used to supply the missing forms of the verb can.

"I can't explain it," said Therese. "I can't explain anything I did today" (Heym)

He jumped as high as ever he could. (Galsworthy)

How weakened she was I had not been able to imagine until I saw her at the railway station in Chinkiatig. (Buck)

Can expresses ability or capability, possibility, incredulity or doubt, astonishment.

1.Physical or mental ability.

Cousin Val can't walk much, you know, but he can ride perfectly. He's going to show me the gallops. (Galsworthy)

I don't know what Captain Loomis was doing there, but you can guess — it was about Thorpe. (Heym)

In this meaning it can be used only with the Indefinite Infinitive. Could is used to talk about what someone was generally able to do in the past.

Our daughter could walk when she was nine months old.


(a) due to circumstances:

The video can be rented from your local store.

Can you come on Sunday?

"Can I have a cup of tea, Miss?" she asked. But the waitress went on doing her hair. "Oh," she sang, "we're not open yet." (Mans­field) (Here the speaker does not ask the waitress's permission to have a cup of tea but she merely wants to know whether the place is open and whether she can have a cup of tea.)

We use was/were able to ox managed (but not could) when we are say­ing that something was possible on a particular occasion in the past.

I was able/ managed to find some useful books in the library.

In negative sentences could not can also be used.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 1870. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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