Account Number: 1332211185
* * * When he had typed the last digit, the screen refreshed again. A message in several languages appeared. English was on top. CAUTION: Before you strike the enter key, please check the accuracy of your account number. For your own security, if the computer does not recognize your account number, this system will automatically shut down.
* * * “Fonction terminer,” Sophie said, frowning. “Looks like we only get one try.” Standard ATM machines allowed users three attempts to type a PIN before confiscating their bank card. This was obviously no ordinary cash machine. “The number looks right,” Langdon confirmed, carefully checking what they had typed and comparing it to the printout. He motioned to the ENTER key. “Fire away.” Sophie extended her index finger toward the keypad, but hesitated, an odd thought now hitting her. “Go ahead,” Langdon urged. “Vernet will be back soon.” “No.” She pulled her hand away. “This isn’t the right account number.” “Of course it is! Ten digits. What else would it be?” “It’s too random.” Too random? Langdon could not have disagreed more. Every bank advised its customers to choose PINs at random so nobody could guess them. Certainly clients here would be advised to choose their account numbers at random. Sophie deleted everything she had just typed in and looked up at Langdon, her gaze self‑assured. “It’s far too coincidental that this supposedly random account number could be rearranged to form the Fibonacci sequence.” Langdon realized she had a point. Earlier, Sophie had rearranged this account number into the Fibonacci sequence. What were the odds of being able to do that? Sophie was at the keypad again, entering a different number, as if from memory. “Moreover, with my grandfather’s love of symbolism and codes, it seems to follow that he would have chosen an account number that had meaning to him, something he could easily remember.” She finished typing the entry and gave a sly smile. “Something that appeared random... but was not.” Langdon looked at the screen.