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Proctotus, learned men of that time. J. Gys., fol. 19, cot. 1, 2, from Euseb., lib. 6, cap. 20, Oros. lib. 7, cap. 19. Touching the cause of these persecutions, the author of the Introduction, etc., writes thus: The heathen had such hatred for the Christians at that time, that, whenever an earthquake, a storm, or the like, occurred, they laid it to the charge of the Christians, saying that their gods were offended, because their honor was waning on account of the Christians; from which it is to be inferred that they treated the Christians in an awful manner. Fol. 39, cot. 2, from! Baronius, in Chron., A. D. 237, num. 3, and A. D. 256, num. 5. AN ACCOUNT OF THE HOLY BAPTISM OF THE MARTYRS IN THE FOURTH CENTURY BRIEF SUMMARY OF BAPTISM IN THIS CENTURY At the close of the third century the eminent Arnobius was introduced, and inasmuch as his life extended from one century into the other we refer to him again here in the beginning of the fourth century. He speaks of the virtue and benefit of baptism, as may be seen in the proper place. Fusca and the handmaid Maura were baptized after previous instruction. At this time (in the time of Sylvester) there existed such sects as were afterwards called Waldenses, Anabaptists, etc. One Donates was called an Anabaptist, and his followers, Anabaptists. Athanasius, while yet a child, indicated, with other children, that at Alexandria they baptized upon confession of faith.