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About A. D. 370.-We are informed that about this time there taught and wrote Opatatus Milevitanus, a. catechist, who, it is stated, by virtue of

* P. J. Twisck fixes this council of 1.aodicea in the year 364, while Seb. Franck states that it occurred in the year 368, but we follow a middle course, and assign the year 366 as its date. his office instructed the young in the articles of the faith, in order that after previous instruction, they might be baptized upon their own confession. Speaking of the things that are to be observed in and about baptism, he says, "We know that in the observance of holy baptism there are three essentials. The first relates to the Holy Trinity, the second to the believer, and the third to the baptizer; but they must not all be weighed in the same balance." Bapt. Hist., page 327, from Opt. Mil., lib. 3.

Although these words seem somewhat obscure, they nevertheless contain enough light for us to perceive clearly, of what baptism, and of what matter he speaks. As regards the matter of which he here treats, it apparently is the dignity of baptism, in order to prove which, he alleges that in baptism there are three very worthy things. Mentioning the most worthy first, he says that it is God or the Holy Trinity. As the second, he mentions the believer, namely, him who stands ready to be baptized; for he is very worthy in the sight of God, since Christ says, "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved" (Mark 16:16). As the third, he mentions the baptizer, namely, him who has received so worthy an office from God. From these three worthy circumstances he justly concludes the dignity of baptism.

From this it is clear as sunlight, of what baptism he speaks, for in mentioning the believer, in connection with baptism, and speaking of him as the one to be baptized, he certainly indicates that he does not speak of children, or of infant baptism, but of the baptism bf believers. Moreover, a little after the preceding words, he says concerning the candidate for baptism, of whom he speaks, "He follows the faith of the believers.";

Vicecomes (lib. 2, cap. 4), cites Optatus Milevitanus, and says that in the 5th book against Parmes he expounds the words of St. Paul, I Cor. 3:6, on this wise, " 'I have planted, Apollos watered,' that is: O ye heathen, I have made you disciples of Christ; Apollos has baptized these disciples.";

Likewise in the 2nd book, 7th chapter, Vicecomes writes, "Optatus was a catechist at Carthage." Also, Bapt. Hist., page 375.

These things confirm our. previous declaration; for, when he calls unbelieving and unbaptized persons heathen, and, on the other hand, pronounces those who had been instructed in the faith, and baptized upon it, disciples of Christ, without remarking whether they were born of Christian, or of heathen parents, he declares thereby, that it is not birth, but unbelief and absence of baptism, which constitutes one a heathen, and that not Christian parentage, but faith and baptism, make one a Christian; which well accords with the words of Paul, Gal. 3:26-28, "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is

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