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Clauses of Cause

Introduced by the conjunction because sub-clauses of cause indicate purely causal relations.

And because they were all laughing it seemed to Leila that they were all lovely. (Mansfield)

... You remember the other time I was here I said I couldn't talk about books and things because I didn't know how? (London)

Clauses introduced by as and since have sometimes overlapping relationships of cause and time. The necessary meaning is signalled by the context.

Pouring out a pot he drank it neat and, as its warm glow spread through him,he felt he could face the evening more easily. (Gordon)

Later when they had managed to compose themselves they went to the theatre. Since he gave her free choice she selected "Saint Joan". (Cronin)

I could not stay as it was late.

Causal relations may find their expression in clauses introduced by the conjunction for. Patterns of this kind are on the borderline between co-ordination and subordination. Only in some contexts of their use for- clauses come to be synonymous and go quite parallel with causal clauses included by because.

He had to be cautious, for he was so rapidly coming to be in fluential and a distinguished man. (Dreiser)

Soames was alone again. How long, alone, he didn't know for he was tired,and in spite of his concern, he dozed. (Galsworthy)

In most cases clause-patterns with for differ essentially from clauses introduced by because. They generally give an additional thought to the completed part of sentence to extend the meaning of the utterance; they often come after a full stop and seem to function as separate sentences having much in common with clauses introduced by the conjunctions but and and.

Subordinate clauses of cause have their synonymic alternatives:

a) Infinitival nominals:

She was angry now to think her father would make a public spectacle of her. Cowperwood started to follow. (Dreiser)

He was proud to have been privileged to publish a poem which in psychological content, quality of workmanship, and direct human interest, was by far the most striking of this generation. (Galsworthy)

b) Gerundive nominals:

Cursed was the day he had met her, and his eyes for seeing in her anything but the cruel Venus she was. (Galsworthy)

c) Participial nominals:

The afternoon being grey and cold, we did not go anywhere. This being the case,they had to change their plan.

d) reduced sub-clauses of cause (verbless predicatives):

... The lines at the sides of the eyes were deepened. Naturally dark of skin,gloom made him look slightly sinister. (Dreiser)

Would they like him? They would nottoo unshackled, too fitful, and too bitter; all that was best in him he hid away, as if ashamed of it; and his yearning for beauty they would not understand! (Galsworthy)

Not much give and take about Desert restless, disharmonic, and a poet! And proud with that inner self-depreciative pride which never let upon a man! (Galsworthy)

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 619. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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