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Подробные требования к документам, требуемым для оформления туристической визы во Францию

Greetings. Always shake hands when being introduced or when meeting someone, as well as when leaving. The French handshake is brief, and is accompanied by a short span of eye contact. In general, the woman offers her hand first. French handshakes do not usually involve a strong grip. In social settings, with friends, expect touching cheeks and kissing the air, Saying ‘Bonjour monsieur’ or ‘Bonjour Madame’ is important in greetings: It preserves a degree of formality until you get to know people.

Titles/form of address. Find out the titles of older French people you meet and address them in that way, both during the introduction and in the course of conversation. Even simple titles like "Madame" should be used as you converse, whether in English or French, Use "Madame" for all women except young girls. Do not use first names until you are told to do so. Do not put off by the use of last names; it does not mean that the French are unfriendly. The French sometimes say their last names first, so that Pierre Robert might introduce himself as "Robert, Pierre." Business women found business gentlemen 'charming'. Paying personal compliments to a woman is accepted as a due by French women, and not found discriminatory. Remember that this is the French way, rather than an anti-British or ‘sexist’ attitude.

Gestures. The "thumbs-up" sign means "okay"; the North American "okay" sign (forming a circle with thumb and forefinger) means "zero" in France. Slapping the open palm over a closed fist is vulgar. To call for the check, make a writing gesture. Men may still stand up or make a move to stand up when a visitor or a superior enters the room.

Gifts. Do nOt give a business gift at your first encounter. Avoid gifts that are either too lavish or too skimpy, as well as gifts with your company logo. Good taste is everything. You can insert a business card with your gift, along with a small card that states: "with the compliments of Mr./Madame... "

Great gifts: flowers, in odd numbers and not yellow; also avoid chrysanthemums (associated with funerals) and carnations (may be seen as a sign of bad will), chocolates or liqueur.

Avoid giving: wine - it may suggest they do not know their vintages. By bringing your own bottle, you may inadvertently communicate that you have doubts about the quality of his or her wine cellar.

Dress. Clothes are very important in France. This is not surprising; the very words used in English to describe fashion haute couture,"; "chic," etc, are from the French language.

Affluent executives purchase the best suits and styles possible. The French also tend to have excellent posture, which makes their clothes look even better. In the north and in the winter, men should wear dark suits. Patterned fabrics and dark colors are most acceptable, but avoid bright colors. French businessmen do not loosen their ties or take off their jackets in the office. Women should also avoid any glitzy or overpowering objects, such as flashy jewelry.

One thing that is common is the need to appear well-presented. Dress codes vary with position within the company, industrial sector and region in France. The higher the position within a larger organisation, the more formal will be the dress code with formal suit and tie being worn. The further south one travels, the more informal business dress becomes, with open shirt and slacks being the norm. Appearances are important at all times in France.



Five Ways to Succeed Five Ways to Fail
Understand the free market v social contract debate in France Do it all in English - if you have no French,
Show appreciation of French culture Ignore the French intellectual approach
Make sure that French guests eat and drink well Swear and drink too much
Maintain a degree of formality until you're invited to use first names Dig up the old cliches about Anglo-French conflict
Be logical and consistent in negotiations, and when you reach a decision, stick with it Decline lunch invitations and buy a sandwich to eat at your desk



Подробные требования к документам, требуемым для оформления туристической визы во Францию

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