Crime Information Center
In January 1967 a new rival to the scientific laboratory and fingerprint identification service provided to all police agencies emerged in the National Crime Information Center. This computerized index of information concerning crime and criminals was installed in the Washington headquarters of the FBI. The center includes data on stolen automobiles, certain stolen property, and all wanted persons. More than one million active records are on file. The center’s vital information is available almost immediately to any police officer through radio communication and electronic means. Average citizens are informed of the crime trends in the nation and their own community through the Uniform Crime Reporting Program, which collects, analyzes, and publishes crime figures for the Unites States. Trained Special Agent. The third basic component in the daily operations of the FBI is the trained special agent. The bureau selects candidates for agent with care. Any U.S. citizens, age 23 to 34, who is a graduate of a law school, or who is a graduate of a resident four-year college dealing with accounting or physical science, or who is fluent in a language for which the bureau has a need, or who has three years of other specialized experience, is eligible. These highly educated agents first have initial training – they work with older and more experienced agents. For all the agents there are special refreshing courses and special programs, so constant training is held periodically. Special Investigation Division. Organized crime is a lawless empire making money from gambling, narcotics, prostitution, extortion, etc. For years organized crime operated behind an impenetrable wall built on fear, bribery, and force. FBI officers are doing their best to find criminals and to bring them to court. Their aim is to collect evidence for it. Cooperation is very important in the fight against organized crime. FBI officers work in close cooperation with state and local agencies. This division also tries to locate escaped prisoners or deserters from the Armed Forces.
Vocabulary Attorney General n Генеральный атторней (амер. Министр юстиции) Bureau of Criminal Identification n Бюро установления личности по уголовным делам burglary n проникновение в чужое помещение с целью грабежа или убийства; грабеж со взломом Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Содружество Пуэрто-Рико conduct v проводить (расследование) Department of Justice n Департамент юстиции (Министерство юстиции в США) espionage n шпионаж extortion n вымогательство field officer n периферийное отделение gambling n азартная игра / игры handle v рассматривать (дело); вести дело Identification Division n отдел установления / опознания личности impenetrable adj непроницаемый; непроходимый; impenetrable wall n непробиваемая стена incalculable adj несметный, неисчислимый initial training n первоначальная подготовка in response to в ответ на institute v начинать investigator n следователь is eligible v имеет право; отвечает требованиям larceny n хищение, кража prosecute v преследовать в судебном порядке refreshing courses n курсы повышения квалификации repository n хранилище rival n соперник, конкурент sabotage n саботаж, диверсия set standards v устанавливать стандарты treason n измена trust n 1 трест, промышленное объединение; 2 траст; доверительная собственность violate v нарушать (право, закон, договор) violation n нарушение (права, закона, договора); violation of federal laws нарушение федеральных законов
Reading tasks Answer the questions.
1 What are the matters within FBI jurisdiction? 2 What are the main divisions of the FBI? 3 What are the functions of the FBI agents? 4 Who helps the FBI officers with their work? 5 What do the FBI agents do to develop their professional qualities?