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Exercises. I. Find the dominant synonym in the following groups of synonyms

I. Find the dominant synonym in the following groups of synonyms. Explain your choice.

1. to glimmer — to glisten — to blaze — to shine — to sparkle— to flash— to gleam. 2. to glare— to gaze — to peep — to look — to stare — to glance. 3. to astound — to surprise — to amaze — to puzzle — to as­tonish. 4. strange — quaint — odd — queer. 5. to saunter — to stroll — to wander — to walk — to roam. 6. scent — perfume — smell — odour — aroma. 7. to brood— to reflect— to meditate— to think. 8. to fabricate — to manufacture — to produce — to create — to make. 9. furious — enraged — angry. 10. to sob — to weep — to cry.

II. Find the dominant synonyms for the following itali­cized words and prove that they can be used as substitutes. Are they interchangeable? What is lost if we make the sub­stitution?

1. Never for a moment did he interrupt or glance at his watch. 2. The girl looked astonished at my igno­rance. 3. Sometimes perhaps a tramp will wander there, seeking shelter from a sudden shower of rain. 4.1 am very different -from that self who drove to Manderley for the first time filled with an intense de­sire to please. 5. The stony vineyards shimmer in the sun. 6. The restaurant was filled now with people who chatted and laughed. 7. I've got a sister and an ancient grandmother. 8. A bowl of roses in a drawing-room had a depth of colour and scent they had not possessed in the open. 9. He saw our newcomers, arms wound round each other, literally staggering from the bus.

10. Chicken-pox may be a mild children's disease. 11. In a funny way she wanted to reach out for that friendliness as if she needed it. Which was odd. 12. It could be a dream world. So pretty, yet so sad.

III. Find the euphemisms in the following sentences and jokes. Name the words for which they serve as euphemistic substitutes.

1. Policeman (to intoxicated man who is trying to fit his key to a lamp-post): I'm afraid there's nobody home there tonight. M a n: Mus' be. Mus' be. Theresh a light upstairsh. 2. "Johnny, where do you think God is this morning?" asked the Sunday-school teacher. "In our bathroom," was the reply. "What on earth makes you say that?" asked the amazed teacher. "Because just before I left I heard pa say, "My Lord! How long are you going to be in there?" 3. The doctor had an inveterate punster and wit among his patients. One day he was late in making his rounds, and explained to the incorrigible humourist that he had stopped to attend a man who had fallen down a well. With a groan of agony, the wit mus­tered up strength enough to murmur: "Did he kick the bucket, doctor?" 4. A girl was to visit her serviceman brother at a military hospital. While stopping at the desk of the officer of the day for directions to the pa­tient's ward she asked: "Would you kindly tell me where the powder room is?" "Miss," the corpsman on duty replied with dignity, "this is a hospital, not an ar­senal." 5. First S t u d en t: Great Scott! I've forgot- ten who wrote Ivanhoe. Second Ditto: I'll tell you if you tell me who the dickens wrote The Tale of Two Cities. 6. So, for the love of Mike, come across to our table and help things along. 7. He was high and didn't know what he was saying. 8. "You never know with lu­natics," said the young man chattily. "They don't al­ways look balmy, you know." 9. "But what I mean was, it sounds more like a rather idiotic kind of hoax. Per­haps some convivial idiot who had had one over the eight." "Nine? Nine what?" "Nothing — just an ex­pression. I meant a fellow who was tight." 10. "Funny old thing," said Lily Marbury indulgently. "Looks half batty to my mind." 11. "I think the fellow's half a loony. He needs some one to look after him."

IV. Find antonyms for the words given below.

Good, adj.; deep, adj.; narrow, adj., clever, adj.; young, adj.; to love, v.; to reject, v.; to give, v.; strong, adj.; to laugh, v.; joy, п.; evil, п.; up, adv., slowly, adj.; black, adj.; sad, adj.; to die, v.; to open, v.; clean, adj.; darkness, п.; big, adj.

V. Find antonyms in the following jokes and extracts and describe the resultant stylistic effect.

1. Policeman (holding up his hand): Stop!

Visitor: What's the matter?

P.: Why are you driving on the right side of the road?

V.: Do you want me to ride on the wrong side?

P.: You are driving on the wrong side.

V.: But you said that I was driving on the right side. '

P.: That is right. You are on the right, and that's wrong.

V.: A strange country! If right is wrong, I'm right when I'm on the wrong side. So why did you stop me?

P.: My dear sir, you must keep to the left. The right side is the left.

V.: It's like a looking-glass! I'll try to remember. Well, I want to go to Bellwood. Will you kindly tell me the way?

P.: Certainly. At the end of this road, turn left.

V.: Now let me think. Turn left! In England left is right, and right is wrong. Am I right?

P.: You'll be right if you turn left. But if you turn
right, you'll be wrong.

V.: Thank you. It's as clear as daylight.

(After G. С Thornley)


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