VII. Discuss the following questions.
1. What factors have contributed to America’s becoming the leading economic nation in the world? 2. What part does the US government play in the economic production? Is it beneficial for the business? 3. Point out some differences between labor relations in the US and in the other industrialized Western countries. What factors do you think might have contributed to these differences? 4. What programs and benefits exist in the US that help people who are unemployed or sick? 5. ‘Social welfare in the US has always been torn between the concepts of the independent, self-reliant individual and the interdependent, caring community.’ Discuss this statement against the background knowledge of American history. 6. What are some of the arguments for or against comprehensive federal programs for the poor? VIII. Comment on the role of the United States in world trade. SEMINAR 10
I. Present an outline of the events going on in the USA this week.
II. Match the columns and enlarge on the history of the US educational system. 1636 many “land-grant colleges” were established. 1701 the foundation of Yale 1850 women were first admitted to college 1860s the foundation of Harvard 1837 every state had provided for a system of free public schools
III. Dwell on the main concepts of American education. 1. The underlying principle of the American system of education is to educate people in such a way that everyone has the opportunity to develop to his/her greatest potential. 2. Another major purpose of education in America is to lay the ground work for achieving success in life. 3. Equality of opportunity – the declared motto for life in the United States – is also an important aspect of the American system of education. IV. Compare the Russian and American school systems. Point out similarities and differences. SIMILARITIES | DIFFERENCES |
V. Draw a scheme of the American system of higher education. Use the scheme when presenting the report on different types of colleges and Universities in the US. VI. Prepare a detailed report on one of the American Universities. VII. Make up a list of strengths and weaknesses of the American educational system. STRENGTHS | WEAKNESSES | VIII. Discuss the following questions. 1. What problems do minorities have to face and how does the educational system try to solve them? 2. Why do standardized tests play such an important role within the American system of education? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the local control over education? 4. What is the essence of the debate about national priorities and the schools in America? Is similar debate being held in Russia?
IX. Organize a debate between the two groups: Group 1 - Suppose you are the supporters of a better comprehensive education. Write a short speech stating your arguments. Group 2 - Suppose you are in favor of a more selective educational system. Write down arguments supporting your view.
Основная литература: Токарева, Н. Д. Америка. Какая она? [Текст] = What it`s Like in the USA: учеб. по страноведению США / Н. Д. Токарева, В. Пеппард. - 3-е изд., испр. и доп. - Москва: Высшая школа, 2009. – 334 c. Дополнительная литература: 1. Барановский, Л. С. Здравствуй, Америка! [Текст] = Hello, America!: учеб. пособие / Л. С. Барановский, Д. Д. Козикис. - Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 1997. - 309 с. 2. Знакомимся с Америкой: кн. для чтения по страноведению в 8-10 кл. гимназий и школ с углубленным изучением англ. яз. [Текст] = United States of America: учеб. пособие / сост. В. М. Павлоцкий. - 3-е изд., стереотипное. - Санкт-Петербург: КАРО, 2002. - 334 с. 3. США. Традиции и институциональные учреждения [Текст] = The U.S.A. Customs and Institutions: учебник. - [S. l.]: Longman, 2001. - 289 с. 4. США [Текст]: лингвострановед. слов. / сост. Г. Д. Томахин. - Москва: Астрель, 2001. - 269 с. 5. [Электронный ресурс]: Страница содержит информацию о населении. Политическом устройстве и географии США, а также статистические данные. – Режим доступа: