Активный раздаточный материал. 1 Work in pairs and answer the questions.
Before you start 1 Work in pairs and answer the questions. 1 What is an e-card? When do you think you send an e-card to someone? 2 What can you download from the Internet? Make a list. Reading 2 Circle the answers yes or no. Read the text to check your answers, 1 Can you send music in an e-card? yes / no 2 Do you have to save an e-card to view it? yes / no 3 Do you pay for freeware programs? yes / no 4 Can you download a movie from the Internet? yes / no Guide to downloading files Viewing websites You can view many interesting websites with your browser. Some let you view and send e-cards for birthdays, holidays or other special occasions using your e-mail program. An e-card can contain pictures, cartoon animations, or play songs. You can type your own personal message on the card, change the music, preview it, or send it as a screen saver. Most e- cards open automatically in your e-mail, others give you a link to click. You usually view e-cards like a standard Web page. Downloading programs You can download computer programs, games and utilities, such as virus protection programs. Some of these programs are shareware, which means you pay a fee if you keep the program, or freeware, which have no fee. To download a program, you save it on your computer. After you click the download button, the Save As dialog box appears. Choose the location where you want to save the file and click Save. It can take anything from a few seconds to a few hours for a download to complete. Downloading e-mail attachments You can view e-mail attachments on the Internet or you can save them onto your computer. To open an attachment your computer needs a program that can open it. If your computer does not have compatible software, you cannot open the attachment. All digital files have a file extension that shows you the file format, for example.avifor video,.doc for MS Word files and.mpegior music files. 3 Match the first part of the sentence (1-6) with the second part (a-f).
Vocabulary 4 Which of the words and phrases in the box are specific to IT and which are used in general English? Use the Glossary or a dictionary to help you.
Speaking 5 Work in groups. Match the messages with the occasion and the person. Occasion Hallowe’en, arranging a meeting, apology, thanking someone, missing someone, birthday
Now make more messages for different occasions and people.
Get real Either review two or three e-card websites or go to a shop with a good selection of cards. Which occasions are there cards and e-cards for? What do the cards and e-cards offer (e.g. pictures and sounds)? Were the websites easy to use? Report back to the class and discuss what you found.
Активный раздаточный материал