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Listening. Listen to the song Let it be and complete it with the words below. night hour words broken trouble wisdom answer chance tomorrow wake up speaking

Listen to the song Let it be and complete it with the words below.

night hour words broken trouble wisdom answer chance tomorrow wake up speaking



When I find myself in ___________ of trouble

Mother Mary comes to me

Speaking ___________ of wisdom

Let it be

And in my _________ of darkness

She is standing right it front of me

Speaking words of wisdom

Let it be

Let it be, let it be

Let it be, let it be

Whisper words of ___________

Let it be

And when the ___________ hearted people

Living in the world agree

There will be an ____________

Let it be

For though they may be parted there is

still a _____________ that they will see

There will be an answer

Let it be

Let it be, let it be

Let it be, let it be

yeah, there will be an answer

Let it be

Let it be, let it be

Let it be, let it be

Whisper words of wisdom

Let it be

Let it be, let it be

Let it be, let it be

Whisper words of wisdom

Let it be

And when the___________ is cloudy

There is still a light that shines on me

Shine until _______________

Let it be

I ___________ to the sound of music

Mother Mary comes to me

____________words of wisdom

Let it be

Let it be, let it be

Let it be, let it be

There will be an answer

Let it be


Grammar:Direct and indirect questions.

1. All of these sentences are correct. Why is there no does in sentences b and c?

a) Where does she study?

b) I know where she studies.

c) Can you tell me where she studies?


1. Indirect questions have the same word order as the positive (there is no do/does/did).
Marat lives in Astana. – Do you know where Marat lives?
2. We often make direct questions into indirect to make them sound more polite.
Direct questions Where’s the cafe? Indirect question Could you tell me Do you know Do you happen to know Have you any idea Do you remember Would you mind telling me     where the cafe is?    
  If there is no question word, use if or whether. I don’t know if he’s coming or not. I wonder whether he’s going to celebrate his birthday.

Complete the sentences. [5]

Example: What did she do? - I can't remember what she did.
Do we have enough sugar? - I'll have a look if we have enough sugar.


a. Why did she cry? - I don't really know ____________________.

b. Does she speak Greek? - I will ask her____________________.

c. Where is Joe? - I have no idea _____________________.

d. I'd like to know what time ____________________. - The show starts at 8 o'clock.

e. Is he all right? - I do not know _____________________.

f. What did he want? - I'm afraid I can't tell you _________________.

g. Do you know who ______________? - Yes, Jim Harrison is a writer.

h. Whose car was it? - I'm not quite sure ____________________.

i. Is this the right train? - Let's ask someone Is this the right train? - Let's ask someone ____________.

j. I wonder when _____________. But they've already got married!

k. How long has she known him? - Well, I'd like to know myself _____________________.

l. How much is this scarf? - Why do you want to know _________________________?

m. Can you tell me what __________________? - Her name is Maggie.

n. Do they have any free tickets? - Let's have a look ___________________.

o. Do you remember where ________________? - The boxes were in the garage.

p. Which countries did she visit? - To tell the truth, I haven't found out yet __________________.


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