Студопедия — Listening
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Born blind on May 13, 1950, Saginaw, Michigan, American singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist, Steve Wonder made his recording debut at age 12. His recorded his first hit single in 1963. Over the next five years Wonder had several hit songs. His fertile period came to an end in 1979 with an overambitious extended work. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1989.


Listen to the song by Stevie Wonder put the missing words.




Very superstitious, writing's on the _______,

Very superstitious, ladders bout' to _______,

________ month old baby, broke the lookin' glass

________ years of bad luck, the good things in your past.


When you believe in things that you don't understand,

Then you suffer,

Superstition ain't the way


Very superstitious, wash your ______ and hands,

______ me of the problem, do all that you can,

Keep me in a _________, keep me goin' strong,

You don't wanna save me, sad is my song.


When you believe in things that you don't understand,

Then you suffer,

Superstition ain't the way, yeh, yeh.


Very superstitious, nothin' more to say,

Very superstitious, the devil's on his way,

Thirteen month old baby, broke the lookin' glass,

Seven years of bad luck, good things in your past


When you believe in things that you don't understand,

Then you suffer,

Superstition ain't the way, no, no, no.


Questions for computer based test

1. Choose the right variant.

I ________ (not / finish) my homework if you hadn’t helped me.

a) wouldn’t have finished

b) hadn’t finish

c) didn’t finish

d)wouldn’t finish

2. 2. Choose the right variant.

If she ________ (not / pass) her driving test, she would have been really disappointed.

a) wouldn’t pass

b) hadn’t passed

c) hadn’t pass

d) didn’t passed

3. Choose the right variant.

We ________ (look after) the children last night if you had asked.

a) would have looked after

b) have looked after

c) looked after

d) looked

4. Choose the right variant.

He would have resigned if he ________ (not / be) promoted.

a) was not

b) were not

c) hadn’t been

d) wouldn’t been


English Russian Kazakh
superstitions суеверие ырым
sympathize сочувствовать сезіну
attempt to tame пытаться приручить колға үйрету
conscript призывник әскерге шақырулышы
disguise маскировка түрді өзгерту
horseshoe подкова таға

Home assignment

Ex. 1 (a,b,c,d), 2 (a,b)[ 2. p.64]


Prepare the topic “Kazakh superstitions”.

Kazakhstan Superstitions and Folklore

Ever wonder about strange behavior? Understanding the fears, myths, taboos, proverbs, legends, and folklore specific to Kazahkstan will help you get a handle on all kinds of cultural oddities. Superstitions have the potential to affect everything from government, politics, business, public life, family life, travel, and social conduct. Understanding them can prove advantageous for what travelers and business professionals might expect and how they can approach or prepare for their foreign counterparts in and from Kazahkstan. You’ll avoid potential faux pas, get familiar with local customs, and educate yourself about what people are doing and why.

This colorful report provides a deeper look at an array of lore that includes anything from spirits, ghosts, monsters,urban myths, old wives’ tales, occult practices, and luck charms. It takes selected major superstitions, legends, and folklore of Kazahkstan and discusses their origins, their stories as told in the country, and associated traditions. It also includes proverbs and sayings unique to the country.

Find out how superstitious Kazakhstanis really are and learn about their taboos and fears, both old and modern alike anything from good and bad luck charms and actions, holidays such as New Year’s, numerology, money, birth and pregnancy, weddings, death and dying, maladies, animals, food, house and home, colors, and more. Not only is it fascinating, it’ll give you something to talk about.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-02; просмотров: 714. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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