Reading. Vocabulary. Try to guess the meaning of the following words with you partner
Vocabulary. Try to guess the meaning of the following words with you partner. If you don`t know the meaning or translation of the word ask your teacher to help. neglected guilty observe experience space landscape violent apostle childbearing referring
a) Work in groups of three. Read the answers to the questions then close your text and retell the information as you can remember to the other members of your group. [3.90-91]. 1.Do animals have feelings?
All pet owners would say “yes”. Molly the dog and Whiskers the cat can feel angry, depressed, neglected, happy, even, jealous and guilty. Many scientists, however, are skeptical about giving animals the full range of emotions that humans can feel. Part of the problem is that it is impossible to prove that even a human being is feeling happy to or sad. In fact, it is only because we can observe body language and facial expression that we can deduced it. And of course humans can express the emotion with language. However, most researchers do agree that many creatures experience fear. Some scientists define this as a primary emotion.
White Mountain Peak from access road 2. What are the Earth's oldest living things? The White Mountains of California are home to our oldest living things – trees! The oldest tree in the world, Methuselah, has roots that go back over 4,600 years. This makes it older even than the Great Pyramids. The 26-foots bristlecone pine tree is the oldest of many that have outlived civilization after civilization
' When humans first flew in space, they were amazed to discover that the only man-made object visible from orbit was the Great Wall of China'. Although this is a nice idea, it's not true. The Great Wall is mostly grey stone in a grey landscape and, in fact, is very difficult to see even from a plane flying at mere 15 kilometers above. What can be seen when orbiting the Earth (from about 200 kilometers up) are the lights of the world's large metropolitan areas. 4. What is the most terrible natural disaster to have hit the Earth?
Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes are responsible for the deaths of thousands of people every year. One of the most violent earthquakes ever recorded was in Ecuador in 1906. It was the equivalent of 100 H-bombs, but it was nothing compared to a volcanic eruption in Tambora, Indonesia in 1815. This was the equivalent of 10,000 H-bombs. But, even these are nothing compared to many tropical hurricanes: they regularly have the energy of an amazing 100,000 H-bombs. However, there is one natural disaster that beats all of these by every long way – a meteor that hit the Earth 65 million an explosion the equivalent of 10 million H-bombs 5. Why isn't there a row 13 on aeroplanes?
In many countries, the number 13 is considered to be very unlucky. In France, there is never a house with the number 13. In the United States, modern high-rise buildings label the floor that follows 12 as 14. Where did this fear of a number come from? The idea goes back at least to Norse mythology in ancient times. There was a banquet with 12 gods. Loki, the spirit of evil, decided to join without being invited. In the fight that followed, Balder, the favorite of the gods, was killed. In Christianity, this theme was repeated at the Last Supper. Jesus Christ and his apostles numbered 13 people at the table. 6. Why do women live longer than men?
7. Was Uncle Sam a real person?