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Семинар по трихологии

MODEL: "I found myself weary and yet wakeful, tossing restlessly from side to side..."

"weary" - a qualitative evaluative adjective; "wakeful" - a qualitative speculative adjective; "restlessly" - an evaluative qualitative adverb.


A) 1. Rosemary Fell was not exactly beautiful. Pretty? Well, if you took her to pieces... But why be so cruel as to take anyone to pieces? She was young, brilliant, extremely modern, exquisitely dressed, amazingly well-read in the newest of the new books, and her parties were the most delicious mixture of the really important people and... artists - quaint creatures, discoveries of hers, some of them too terrifying for words, but others quite presentable and amusing (Mansfield).

2. He was in a great quiet room with ebony walls and a dull illumination
that was too faint, too subtle, to be called a light (Fitzgerald).


B) 1. He was tall and homely, wore horn-rimmed glasses, and spoke in a deep voice (Cheever).

2. Medley had already risen hurriedly to his feet. The look in his eyes said he was going straight to his telephone to tell Doctor Llewellyn apologet­ically that he, Llewellyn, was a superb doctor and he, Medley, could hear him perfectly. Oxborrow was on his heels. In two minutes the room was clear of all but Con, Andrew, and the remainder of the beer (Cronin).


C) 1. She was helpful, pervasive, honest, hungry, and loyal (Cheever).

1. Dr. Trench. I will be plain with you. I know that Blanche has a quick temper. It is part of her strong character and her physical courage, which is greater than that of most men, I can assure you. You must be pre­pared for that. If this quarrel is only Blanche's temper, you may take my word for it that it will be over before to-morrow (Shaw).


D) 1. The elder man was about forty with a proud vacuous face, intelligent eyes, and a robust figure (Fitzgerald).

2.. "There!" cried Rosemary again, as they reached her beautiful big bedroom with the curtains drawn, the fire leaping on the wonderful lacquer furniture, her gold cushions and the primroses and blue rags (Mansfield).


Ex.2 Find in the sentences the forms of superlative degree of the adjective and the cases of the elative "most-construction";.

MODEL: "It was a most unpleasant telephone call." A most unpleasant “ is a case of the elative "most-construction. The morphological form "a most unpleasant" expresses not a superlative degree of the adjective but an elative form expressing a high degree of the quality in question.


1. She who had been most upset and terrified at the morning's discovery now seemed to regard the whole thing as a personal insult (James).

2. The Fifth Symphony by Beethoven is a most beautiful piece of music.

2. I have been with good people, far better than you (Ch. Bronte).

3. Sure, it's difficult to do about in the wrongest way possible (Wilson).

4. The more we go into the thing, the more complex the matter becomes (Wilson).


1. When Sister Cecilia entered, he rose and gave her his most distinguished bow (Cronin).

2. And he thought how much more advanced and broad-minded the young­er generation was (Bennett).

3. She was the least experienced of all (Bennett).

4. She is best when she is not trying to show off (Bennett).

5. He was none the wiser for that answer, but he did not try to analyse it (Aldridge).


1. You're the most complete man I've ever known (Hemingway).

2. Now in Hades - as you know if you ever had been there the names of the more fashionable preparatory schools and colleges mean very little (Fitzgerald).

3. As they came closer, John saw that it was the tail-light of an immense automobile, larger and more magnificent than any he had ever seen (Fitzgerald).

4. It was a most unhappy day for me when I discovered how ignorant I am (Saroyan).

5. "Have you got a dollar?" asked Tripp, with his most fawning look and his dog-like eyes that blinked in the narrow space between his high-growing matted beard and his low-growing matted hair (O.Henry).


1. She had, however, great hopes of Mrs. Copleigh, and felt that once thoroughly rested herself, she would be able to lead the conversation to the most fruitful subjects possible (Christie).

2. "Still on your quest? A sad task and so unlikely to meet with success. I really think it was a most unreasonable request to make." (Christie)

3. "I know. I know. I'm often the same. I say things and I don't really know what I mean by them. Most vexing." (Christie)

4. "Then it is he whom you suspect?" "I dare not go so far as that. But of the three he is perhaps the least unlikely." (Doyle)

5. In the first place, your Grace, I am bound to tell you that you have placed yourself in a most serious position in the eyes of the law (Doyle).


Ex. 3. Account for the peculiarity of the underlined word-forms:

1. I am the more bad because I realize where my badness lies.

2. Wimbledon will be yet more hot tomorrow.

3. The economies are such more vulnerable, such more weak.

4. He turned out to be even more odd than I had expected.

5. "You see, by this time we was on the peacefulest of terms." (O.Henry)

6. "Well, you never could be fly," says Myra with her special laugh, which was the provokingest sound I ever heard except the rattle of an empty canteen against my saddle-horn (O.Henry).


Семинар по трихологии

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