Put the following words and word combinations into the gaps
property / solutions / restricted / promoted / occurs / corresponding / boundaries / measure 1. In mammals, gas exchange ______________ across millions of tiny air sacs called alveoli. 2. Polar and charged amino acids are ______________ to the surface of the protein except for the few that play key functional roles. 3. The single most outstanding chemical ______________ of water is its ability to form weak chemical associations with only 5 to 10% of the strength of covalent bonds. 4. Despite their unicellularity, ciliates are extremely complex organisms, inspiring some biologists to consider them organisms without cell ______________ rather than single cells. 5. Atherosclerosis is ______________ by genetic factors, smoking, hypertension (high blood pressure), and high blood cholesterol levels. 6. Plants use light receptor molecules to ______________ the length of night. 7. Seasonal changes in wind circulation produce ______________ changes in ocean currents. 8. A bubble, such as those produced by soap ______________, is a hollow spherical structure.
Translate into Russian 1. Viewed from the vantage point of the finished product, the analysis of gene action looks bewilderingly complex. 2. In Nenrospora, some strains produce the black pigment, melanin, only when grown at temperatures of 25° С or lower, while other strains produce the pigment at all temperatures. 3. The term «molecular biology» is not inappropriate when applied to many investigations in this field. 4. Looked at from a distance, the history of biochemistry seems to be but a series of astounding successes. 5. Looked at through the glasses of this new science the atom is no more an indivisible unit but consists of nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons. 6. If we take a series of donors and couple them, one by one, to the same acceptor, then the frequency of the absorbed light, if plotted against the IP (ionization potential) of the single donors, must give a straight line. 7. The physicist, when studying charge transfer, will study the interaction of substances. 8. They found that aromatics undergo marked increases in electrical conductivity when complexed with I2 or Br2. 9. If the electron is close to other unpaired electrons, it will be perturbed and give a broad signal. Exposed to the magnetic influence of different nuclei it may split up giving a hyperfine structure. 10. Special caution is required when dealing with solid state. 11. They have shown that when going from weak charge transfer to an increasingly stronger one, the electron spin resonance signal became gradually stronger. 12. If the spectra had been charge transfer spectra one would have expected marked changes in absorption when using different donors. 13. When studying the action of a salt we must bear in mind that what we measure in most cases will not be the donor action of the anion nor the acceptor action of the cation, but both acting simultaneously. 14. This finding, if corroborated, may lift a veil which now obscures the real nature and meaning of protein, nucleic acid and nucleoprotein. 15. The next water flux appears to be surprisingly uniform, when calculated on the basis of membrane area. 16. Sensitivity to induction by UV appears relatively much greater than induction by X-rays, if compared to the corresponding sensitivities of the capacity. 17. The principal difficultly encountered when quantitatively analyzing single cells or parts thereof, lies in the minute amounts and dimensions. 18. The intention of the present article is to point out how cellular microanalysis can be coordinated with the other methods of biology, chemistry, and physics when investigating the nature of normal and pathological functions of the cell. 19. When seeking an explanation of the actions of radiations on cells, it is natural to turn to situations where the complexities seem to be the least formidable, namely, in the actions on microorganisms. 20. The two gases react when mixed to form nitrogen peroxide. 21. Nitric oxide is toxic when mixed with air. 22. Although the outer and inner membranes appear to be identical, they do not appear so when examined with negative staining methods. 23. When examined with the electron microscope the particles in purified preparations appear identical except for recognizable artifacts of preparation. 24. When applied to some extensive data for the reaction, both equations were found to give reasonable agreement with the results.