Fill in the gaps with the following words. mammalian / on average / values / capacity / invalidated / quantify / amount / estimated
mammalian / on average / values / capacity / invalidated / quantify / amount / estimated
1. Objects that are not actively moving but have the ______________ to do so possess potential energy. 2. By establishing paternity, researchers can precisely ______________ the reproductive success of individual males. 3. Typically, a dividing ______________ cell completes its cell cycle in about 24 hours. 4. Every atom exhibits a ladder of potential energy ______________, rather than a continuous spectrum of possibilities, a discrete set of orbits at particular distances from the nucleus. 5. Before the primary transcript is translated, the introns, which comprise ______________ 90% of the transcript, are removed in a process called RNA processing, or RNA splicing. 6. It has been ______________ that a mushroom with a cap that is 7.5 centimeters across produces as many as 40 million spores per hour. 7. Einstein’s hypothesis of relativity was at first provisionally accepted because no one could devise an experiment that ______________ it. 8. The ______________ of free water available at a particular place often determines the nature and abundance of the living organisms present there.
Translate into Russian 23. DNA molecules do contain precisely the molar ratios demanded by the double helical model. 24. We will see that, in general, this model does satisfy the data for recombination between different genes. 25. The fact that chromosomes do coil is evident at the level of the light microscope, as seen, for example, in Tradescantia. 26. If no crossover occurs within the loop, there are no aberrant genetic or cytological consequences. If a crossover does occur, there are definite consequences. 27. Weinstein has concluded that either sister-strand crossing-over does not occur or, if it does occur, that it does not interfere with non-sister exchanges between homologous chromosomes. 28. When transduction does not occur, it is likely that the two mutants have lesions at the same or closely linked sites; when transduction does occur, we can conclude with assurance that the sites are different. 29. The hydrolysis of the peptide bond does result, however, in a rearrangement of tertiary and secondary structure to unmask, or create the active site. 30. If a chiasma does form in the intercept there will be a genetic cross-over allowing the combinations At and aT to be formed. 31. Although no obvious cytoplasmic skeleton has so far been detected with the electron microscope, we do have certain instances of fibrillar organization in the cytoplasmic matrix. 32. Subsequent work has made it clear that the catalyst does react with the substrate and is regenerated at the end in its original form. 33. From physiological studies, we do know that these shifts can and do occur. Carbohydrate carbons do end up in fat: carbohydrate is made from smaller molecules and held in storage. 34. The protein synthesis is not the reversal of protein breakdown; that is, whereas it does not take energy to hydrolyze a protein, it does take energy to build one up. 35. We do know that the cell stores its genetic message in the form of DNA. 36. We do not know how this mobility is acquired, what we do know is that several members of the oxidation cycle are bound to structure, thus fixed in space. 37. The experiments of Arnold and Sherwood leave little doubt that such bands do exist in dried chloroplasts. 38. Such differences of behavior as do exist between the two acids must be ascribed to the sugar components. 39. Later, however, it was observed that ammonia formation did occur when P-cresol was present along with amino acid. 40. Other peptides containing cysteine do occur in tissues. 41. It is therefore apparent, as we might expect that ultraviolet irradiation will not entirely compensate for a dietic phosphorus deficiency but it does exert a very favorable action on the utilization of the supplies of phosphorus which are available. 42. Moreover, in animals which do give a growth response to irradiated cholesterol, a retardation followed by a cessation of growth may set in after about four weeks. 43. The question arises as to whether this primitive form of respiratory substance really does have a functional significance similar to that of hemoglobin in the higher animals. 44. I do not expect that the problem which I tried to outline in a few words will be solved during this symposium. I do hope, however, that many of them will come much closer to a solution during the formal and informal discussions and that there will result agreement about the programme which should be followed in order to accelerate further progress in this field. 45. I did compute the thickness of the film as being about half a wavelength of light. 46. The only adsorption systems which do exhibit linear isotherms are those quoted by Kemball. 47. These reactions do exhibit some special features which is convenient to consider separately. UNIT 13 Biological Structures: General Aspects To the biologist, the term structure is usually related to the macroscopically or microscopically visible organization of an organism. This means, for example, the structure of an animal skeleton, structure of a cell, of a mitochondrion etc. The term "molecular structure" already lies outside the limits of this view. It refers to a certain arrangement of atoms, without defined contours, which can be described just by means of wave mechanics. The same applies for the concentration profile of an electrical double layer, and also for so-called time structures, namely special time courses, like oscillations of a biological system. This means that the definition of the term "structure", which is used in biophysics, has to be broader than that of the morphologists and cytologists. It must include these structures as well as those of metabolic networks, ecosystems, or others. The best, and most generalized definition of this term is given by the set theory of mathematics. Therefore: a system is an aggregate of elements with certain interrelations between them. The totality of these interrelations is called the structure of the system. This definition does not prescribe at all what kind of elements, and what kind of interrelations these are. It is applicable to all kinds of systems including biological systems and structures. In biophysics, we are especially interested in dynamic systems, i.e. where the interrelations between their elements are interactions. In contrast to this, in static systems the elements have no interaction at all, but are just interrelated by formal relations. Examples for static systems are the system of natural numbers in mathematics, or the system of animal species or of plants in biology. The elements of a metabolic network are the metabolites, and the interrelations between them, i.e. their interactions, are the steps of biochemical reactions. Correspondingly, an ecosystem is to be considered as an interaction of individuals and populations depending on abiotic conditions.
Define the following words using a dictionary Abiotic, an aggregate, cytology, a layer, to refer, to prescribe, totality
Complete the sentences 1. Correspondingly, an ecosystem… 2. In contrast to this, in static systems… 3. To the biologist, the term structure… 4. In biophysics, we are especially interested in…
5. This definition does not prescribe at all… 6. Therefore it is necessary at this point…