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Opening phrases.

Krav Maga არის პრაქტიკული და ტაქტიკური სისტემა, რომელიც ასწავლის, თავიდან აცილებას, მოგვარებას და დაძლევას ყველა სახის ძალადობისა და თავდასხმების. Krav Maga არის ჰორიზონტალური სისტემა უნიკალური და ლოგიკური მიდგომით. ასოციაცია გთავაზობთ უნიკალურ პროფესიონალურ ტრენინგს Krav Maga რომელსაც მოაქვს ტექნიკური, ტაქტიკური, ფიზიკური და გონებრივი ზრდა და გაუმჯობესება.

თქვენ უნდა აკმაყოფილებდეს შემდეგ მოთხოვნებს;:

• მინიმალური ასაკი 20 წ.

• ძირითადი გამოცდილება კიდევ ერთი საბრძოლო ხელოვნების

• კარგი ფიზიკური მდგომარეობა

• სატელეფონო ინტერვიუ ჩვენ წარმომადგენელთან WOKM.

• პირადი ინტერვიუში ჩვენ წარმომადგენელთან WOKM.

კურსი ტარიფები;:

კურსი 180 საათი, 15 დღე 5 ვარსკვლავი საკურორტო შარმ ელ შეიხში ეღირება 4500 $

ფასში შედის;:

• 180 საათი სრული მომზადების მაგისტრთან Gaetano Lo Presti

და ინსტრუქტორთან Mario Chillemi

• ცნობა ინსტრუქტორის კურსის 1 დონეზე WOKM

• ყველა საფასური რაც საჩიროა თქვენი დარეგისტრირებისტვის როგორც საერთაშორისო ინსტრუქტორის

• სპეციალური შეთავაზება ჯგუფებისთვის და კომპანიებისთვის.

ტრანსპორტირება და სასტუმრო არ შედის ფასში.

ამ კურსში თქვენ შეისწავლით ბრძოლის ტექნიკას: დანა, იარაღი, ჯოხები, ანტიტერორისტული და სხვა მრავალი ტექნიკის გამოყენებას რომელითაც სარგებლობს ყველაზე ელიტარული სპეციალისტები.

დამატებითი ინფორმაციისათვის, გთხოვთ, მიმართოთ

Mario Chillemi წარმომადგენელი WOKM კობახიძე სოფიო კონსულტანტი;

00201015053960 tattooiron@yahoo.com +995568737722 extreme.staffone@gmail.com

Крав мага курс для инструкторов

Крав-мага является практической и тактической системой, которая учит, как предотвратить, бороться и преодолевать все виды насилия и нападений. Крав-мага готовит слушателей в вопросах самообороны, самозащиты, борьбы и боевых навыков, а также навыков защищать других, используя уникальные методы учения. Крав-мага является горизонтальная система с уникальным и логическим подходом. Важной частью крав-мага является его учебный процесс: методология и способы обучения. Ассоциация предлагает получить уникальный опыт, основанный на программе крав-мага.Мы стремимся к саморазвитию и самозащте через крав-мага. В WOKM вы найдете командный дух, практикческие занятия и лучших преподавателей, возможность тренироваться, а так же возможность закаливания себя физически и психически. Крав-мага готовит функционировать во всех обстоятельствах в соответствии с потребностями и рисками, с которым приходится сталкиватся. Крав-мага способтвует технической, тактической, физической и психическому росту и развитию.

Для того чтобы быть принятым на курс, вы должны соответствовать следующим требованиям:


• Минимальный возраст 20 лет.

• Базовый опыт другого боевого искусства(бокс, кикбоксинг)

Личные качества

• Хорошее физическое состояние и общая физическая подготовка.

• отсутствие судимости

• способность финансировать курс

• телефонное интервью с нашим представителем WOKM.

• личное интервью с нашим представителем WOKM.

• физические навыки (в зависимости от опыта)

Стоимость курса:

Курс 180 часа деления в течение 15 дней в 5-звездочный отель расположен в Шарм-эль-Шейх будет 4500 $


Цена включает:

• 180 часов полное обучение с мастером Гаэтано Ло Прести и инструктором Марио Chillemi

• Сертификат инструктора 1 уровня от WOKM

• Все пошлины за регистрацию вашего имени, как инструктора (международный сертификат).

• Все мероприятия и оборудование, необходимые для курса.

• Специальное предложение для групп и компаний.

Транспорт и проживание в гостинице в стоимость не входят.

В этом курсе вы узнаете технику ближнего боя(нож, пистолет, палки), технику антитеррористической борьбы и технику телохранителей, используемую для самых элитных специальных сил.

Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами

Марио Киллеми представитель WOKM Кобахидзе София консультант

Tattooiron@yahoo.com 00995568737722 extreme.staffone@gmail.com



It is impolite to leave the letter (or the telex) unanswered even if at the moment you are not ready to give a definite reply. You should send an intermediate answer (letter, telex), thanking for the letter (telex) received and stating that as soon as the matter is cleared, a detailed reply will be sent.

A reply to an enquiry (if the Seller cannot send an offer immediately) states reasons why the Seller cannot send an offer at once and what is being done meanwhile. It also states alterations as to the quantity of the goods, their model (trade mark), delivery dates, etc.,if any.

If the Seller can meet the requirements of the Buyer, he sends an offer stating the name of the goods offered, their quantity and quality, the price, the delivery time or date, the terms of payment, the marking and packing instructions and other conditions.

An offer (a quotation) is a statement by the Sellers usually in written form expressing their wish to sell the goods. But it is not legal document, i.e. if the Sellers for this or that reason decide not to sell, the Buyers have no legal remedy. An offer is only the first step in a contract.

Offers (quotations) will as a rule include the following information:

a) the description of the goods offered (their quality, quantity);

b) details of prices, discounts and terms of payment;

c) the date or the time and place of delivery.

There may be different kinds of offers.

Sometimes the Sellers may offer their goods to their regular customers without waiting for an enquiry or they may be forced to take the initiative under present competitive conditions and to send the quotation to those who may be interested in their goods. These voluntary offers of sometimes they are called free offers. They were ­formerly called offers without obligation. In this case there must be an indication in the offer that it is made subject to the goods being unsold

(=available) when the order is received. The opening phrases in voluntary offers may be:"We think you will be interested in quotation for the goods" or "We have pleasure in enclosing our latest catalogue (or the price-list of our products).

Then there are firm offers. A firm offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms stated (i.e. at a stated price and within a stated ­period of time). This promise may be expressed in a letter in the following words: "We make you a firm offer for delivery by the middle of May at the price quoted" or in some other qualifying words like: “The offer is subject to acceptance within fourteen days” or “offer is open for acceptance until the fifteenth of January”.

According to English and American laws, the Sellers making a firm offer have the right to withdraw it at any time before it has accepted. In practice, however, no reputable seller would risk ­reputation by withdrawing his offer before the stated time.



I.Read the text and find equivalents to the following phrases:

1)по той или иной причине 2)не рискнул бы своей репутацией, отзывая свое предложение до указанного срока 3) как правило включают 4) предлагать товар постоянным покупателям 5) в современных условиях конкуренции 6) в предложении должно быть указано 7) на указанных условиях 8) по указанной цене 9) не могут отозвать предложение до указанного срока 10) описание предлагаемых товаров 11) могут быть вынуждены проявить инициативу 12) делается при условии, что товар не будет продан до получения заказа 13) не дожидаясь запроса 14) дать определенный ответ 15) указания относительно упаковки и маркировки товара

II. Answer the following questions to the text:

1. What is an offer?

2. What information is usually included in an offer?

3. What is the difference between the date and the time of delivery of the goods?

4. What kind of offers do you know?

5. What is a free offer?

6. When are free offers made?

7. What qualifying words in an offer indicate that it is a voluntary one?

8. What are the usual opening phrases in voluntary offers?

9. What is a firm offer?

10. Which kind of offer is only made to one potential Buyer?

11. What about the other one? (kind?)

12. What are the usual qualifying words used in firm offers?

13. Does it often happen in English or American practice that offer is withdrawn? Why?


Here are the samples of offers:

1. Dear Sir,

5th Jun, 20…

Abt: Your Enquiry of the 27th May

We thank you for your enquiry for our new model of Harvester and enclose with this letter our latest leaflet for details. But unfortunately the delivery date you asked for is rather short, and we hope you can extend it, say by another month. In that case we are ready to make you an offer.

Your early reply on the matter will be appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

Enc: 1 leaflet

2. Mr Brown,

African Food Co. Ltd,



Dear Sir,

8th July, 20..


We have just received your Enquiry of 3rd July this year for which we thank you.

Unfortunately we have to inform you that we cannot make you an offer now for 5,000 tons of Wheat, Sample 425. We could offer you 5,000 tons of Wheat whose quality corresponds to that of Sample No 350.

Our prices and terms of delivery as well as terms of payment are given in a booklet enclosed with the letter.

We hope that our terms will meet your requirements, and if Sample №350 is of interest to you, we ask you to send us your formal order immediately.

Yours faithfully,

Enc: 2 pages

3.Dear Sir,

In reply to your enquiry of.the 3rd of December for our Tractors LTZ-145 we are happy to inform you that we can make you a firm offer subject to your acceptance until the 25th of December.

Tractors are delivered with all the accessories needed. You must be aware that it is not in our practice to allow any trade discount, that is our price does not include any trade discount, nevertheless if you pay in cash, you will be granted a discount of up to 20 per cent off the price indicated in the pricelist. The amount of.discount depends on the number of tractors you are going to order.

We hope that you will be pleased both with the operation and performance of Tractors LTZ-145 and will place further orders with us.

For your information we would like to point out that a new model of Tractors LTZ-155 is being developed which will have a number of advantages as compared with the old one and will embody the latest achievements in tractor-building. We hope to put it into production next year.

If you want to have any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


Sales Manager





Photographic Supplies


7 May 20..

James Scott

Photographic Dealer,


Dear Mr Scott,

Many thanks for your letter of 5 May. We are interested to hear that you saw our advertisement in the Camera Review, and appreciate your interest in the DERVlEW products we stock.

We are enclosing our Terms of Business, where you will find details of our quarterly discounts, and our price list for the complete range of DERVlEW products. As you will see, we can grant special terms for orders of the value you mention.

I will be in Durban myself on 17 May, and will be happy to call on you at any time in the afternoon. Perhaps you would like to let me know whether this is convenient. I will, of course, bring the complete range of DERVIEW colour transparencies, which are described in the catalogue we have sent you today.

I am looking forward to meeting you.

Yours faithfully,

5. Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your enquiry of 31 January, and can confirm our telephone conversation of yesterday, in which we informed you that we can deliver part of the goods required from stock, in accordance with the enclosed detailed offer. For the balance we would require approximately three weeks from the date of receiving your confirmation that this arrangement is acceptable.

Prices as quoted are f.o.b. London.

Packing in wooden cases.

Delivery as specified above.

Payment against documents, by banker's draft.

We hope your client will find our terms and delivery dates satisfactory, and we can assure you that you may count on our full co-operation and attention in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

6. Dear Sirs,

We are very glad to have your letter of 1st December and to hear that you have been receiving enquiries about our Weatherproof coats.

The Litewate range you mention has been a great success wherever it has been intro­duced, and we are already exporting it to several tropical countries, in both Asia and Africa. Unlike many waterproof coats, the Litewate does not cause excessive condensation on the inside surface, and so would be suitable for your climate.

We can quote you the following prices:

          £ p
  Litewae coats women's medium    
  -//- -//- -//- small    
  -//- -//- men's medium    
  -//-     small    
        F.O.B. Liverpool 1,675  
Freight Liverpool- Calcutta      

We will be able to ship the raincoats within 2-3 weeks of receiving your order.

We are grateful to you for your suggestion concerning an ultra-lightweight coat for the Indian market, and are pleased to inform you that we have been looking into the question of a suitable material for some time now. Our Research Department assure us that they will have a model ready in the very near future, and we will come back to the matter as soon as we have some definite news for you.

We are enclosing full details of our terms of business, and have sent you by separate post a set of descriptive literature.

We look forward to hearing from you again.

Yours faithfully,

7. Dear Sirs,

In your letter of 1 May you ask us to send you samples of our rubberised floor coverings for use on rough surfaces. We appreciate your interest, and have today despatched a range of qualities which we have selected specially to meet your needs.

All of these materials are robust and hard-wearing, and we particularly recommend no. 7 - COMPO - which is a synthetic substance developed by our research department to withstand the wear and tear of rough and uneven floors.

Please give the samples any test you wish: we are confident that they will stand up to the roughest handling.

Our price-list is enclosed with this letter, together with our trade terms, as we think you will need these when you have completed your tests. It will be a pleasure to quote you terms for contract supplies, and our technical representatives are at your service at all times.

Yours faithfully,

8. Dear Sirs,

Confirming our telephone conversation of this morning, we are pleased to be able to offer you the following South African fruit, which arrived yesterday with the S.S. Durham Castle:

300 boxes 'Early Rivers' plums £0.55 per box

100 boxes 'Golden Glory' peaches £ 1.10 per box

200 boxes' Prime Yellow' apricots £0.50 per box.

These brands are well known to you, and the consignment in question is well up to the high quality of previous years. The fruit is excellently packed and would reach you in perfect condition.

We would be glad to send the goods by rail on receipt of your order, which should be sent by telephone or telex. The price includes carriage, and is firm for 24 hours only.

Yours faithfully,

9. Dear Sir or Madam,

On 1 June this year we are moving to larger and more modern premises at nos. 50-55 Oxford Street. Our business has grown so considerably in recent years that we can no longer provide our customers with the service we are used to giving them in our present building.

In view of this move we are selling off our entire stock at greatly reduced prices to save us the trouble and expense of packing and removal.

Come and visit us any day next week. The sale will last for 7 days only - less if stocks are cleared sooner. This is an exceptional opportunity for you to obtain real bargains: reductions range from 15% to 30%, while certain surplus lines will be going at up to 50% off list prices.

Don't miss this chance! Our doors open at 9 a.m. on Monday 20 May.

10. Dear Sirs,

In last summer's exceptionally fine weather we were so overloaded with late orders from most of our regular customers that we were unable to keep pace with the demand.

While we understand our customers' fear of overstocking, we are sure they will appreciate our position when we are suddenly flooded with urgent last minute orders.

To encourage all customers to lay in a good opening stock this year, we are prepared to offer a special trade discount of 4% on all orders over £500 net value received before the end of the month.

Help us by helping yourselves!

Yours faithfully,

11. Dear Sirs,

A few weeks ago we were fortunate enough to have the offer of the entire stock of the Hartiey Blanket Company, which has now ceased to manufacture woollen products. We took advantage of this exceptional opportunity, and are now in a position to offer these famous all-wool blankets well below the market price.

This is a 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity, and we expect to clear our stock in a few days. We must ask you, therefore, to give the enclosed special price list your immediate attention and to let us have your order at once.

Orders will be executed in strict rotation and can only be accepted as long as stocks last.

Yours faithfully,

12. Dear Mr Morton,

You wish to modernise your store-rooms with the most up-to-date shelving system yet devised: that is clear because you asked for our catalogue, which was sent to you earlier this month.

The next step lies, of course, with you. You could have a demonstration of the fitting of the LOCKSHELF system in your own store-room, or see the combined units here in our showrooms.

You could test for yourself the wonderful adaptability of our system to all storage problems, by sending us a trial order for one 5 metre section, which comprises three units. Or if you have any special problems, you are welcome to our advice without any obligation.

You may be sure that whichever of our services you decide to use, you will receive our immediate attention.

Yours sincerely,

13. Dear Sirs,

You will be interested to hear we have been able to obtain a further supply of Brazilian Coffee of the same quality as that supplied to you last year. The total consignment is only 1,000 lb., and we are pleased to offer it to your at … per lb. With the increase in freight costs which become effective this week, the next consignment will be more expensive, so we recommend you to take prompt advantage of this offer, which is firm for three days only.

Yours faithfully,

13. Dear Mr. N.

By today's post we have sent you a sample bottle of our remarkable new product "MEATEX".

We send you this with our compliments and hope you will give it a personal trial in your own home. If you do, you will agree with us that this is a "must" for every housewife's shopping list.

"MEATEX" is a sauce to add to soups of all kinds. Just a few drops shaken through the specially designed outlet give soups a rich, meaty flavour. It is particularly effective in vegetable soups.

This excellent sauce is available in 3 sizes. The trade discount to you is 15% with the usual settlement terms. An order-form is enclosed with this letter.

Yours faithfully,

14. Dear Sirs,

We have been advised that you will be replenishing your stocks of white wines in the near future.

You will probably be interested to know that we had an extremely fine season in 20.., as a result of which we were able to produce wines of very high quality in that year.

We are now shipping this 20.. vintage, and should be very glad to welcome you as a customer.

Our full export price-list is enclosed.

We shall be pleased to supply you with a first order, against settlement within 30 days of date of invoice and with 2.5% discount. Immediate shipment is guaranteed.

With compliments,

Yours faithfully,

15. Dear Sirs,

Improved methods of production enable us to offer you our range of dry-batteries at a reduced price for large quantities. Details of the new prices are enclosed. The quality remains unchanged - only the finest chemicals are used. Immediate despatch is guaranteed, as we hold ample stocks.

We appreciate your past custom, and look forward to serving you again now at the new prices.

Yours faithfully,

16. Dear Sirs,.

When our representative was in your country recently you were good enough to inspect the full range of our toys and novelties for the new season. We thank you for the courtesy shown to Mr. X., which we should be happy to reciprocate should you ever have occasion to visit our firm.

Mr. X. tells us that you were interested in our mechanical tools but felt that import duties on this class of goods would make then unable to compete with the home product.

Wishing to help you reach a decision, we shall be pleased to offer you a reduction of 7.5% on all articles in our catalogue, provided your order totals not less than $10,000 net.

We are sure you will see in this offer a real opportunity.

Yours faithfully,

17. Dear Sirs,

Unfortunately we are so overloaded with orders from most of our regular customers that we are unable to keep pace with the demand, and there may be some delay in delivery of the goods.

To encourage all customers we are prepared to offer a special trade discount of 4% on all orders over $500 net value received before the end of this month.

Yours faithfully,

18. Dear Sirs,

We recently had the honour of sending you a catalogue of our goods, and trust that you duly received the same. As we have not yet been favoured with your order, we venture to enquire if you have reached a decision, and whether you require further information about our product.

We await your instructions, which shall have our careful attention.

Yours faithfully,

19. Dear Sirs,

By now you will have received our new price-list giving details of the reductions in prices: for all our Dry-Batteries, which came into effect on January 1st.

Similar reductions were made in other markets, and the result has so greatly exceeded our expectations that our stocks are rapidly diminishing. While we are producing at full speed, we may be unable to keep pace with the exceptional demand, and a slight delay in despatch may soon become unavoidable.You have probably intended to reorder shortly; if we are right in thinking this, we would ensure immediate despatch from stock.

Yours faithfully,

20. Dear Sirs,

Have you had an opportunity of testing the sample of ECONOHEAT we sent you a few weeks ago? We hope so, because every report from those who have tested their samples confirms the economy in heat which ECONOHEAT provides. Your first order can be delivered in 3 weeks.

Yours faithfully,

21. Dear Sirs,

We appreciate the confidence you show in us by offering us a sole agency here for your products.

You are right in saying that there is an increasing demand for your c1ass of preparations in our country, although we think it impossible yet to judge the sales level that could be reached. Women here are not so fashion-conscious and it would need an extensive advertising campaign to face the competition of the big firms with international connections.

However, we are willing to give it a trial if you feel disposed to back us up with a reasonable amount of advertising in the first year. We are sure you will appreciate that our own advertising would be inadequate to meet the needs of getting your lines established, and that we could not be expected to bear these costs.

Your comments will be very welcome, and we thank you meanwhile for giving us the first opportunity of taking up your agency.

Yours faithfully,

22. Dear Sir,

With reference to your quotation of May 21st, we now have the pleasure of sending you our Indent No. 36 for various Table-cloths and Curtain material.

We have had some difficulty in obtaining this order as the prices quoted by you exceed the limits given us by our customer. You will doubtless be aware of the growing competition in this market from Indian and Chinese products. all of which are of quite good quality and considerably cheaper than yours. The pleasing designs of your patterns finally decided our customer to place his order, but we think that you would find a general reduction in prices advisable if you wish to remain competitive.

Please arrange for early shipment and draw on us at 2 months for the amount of your invoice, less our commission and charges as noted.

Yours faithfully.

Here is a selection of phrases for use in making offers and quotations:

Opening phrases

1. In reply to your enquiry of.

2. In reply to your enquiry for … we are offering you...

3. In reply to your enquiry and in confirmation of our today's telephone conversation we are pleased to offer you…

4. We have received your enquiry and are happy to inform you that we can make you an offer for...

5. We thank you for your enquiry and are pleased to inform you that we could supply you with

6. Referring to your enquiry we would like to tell you that we could deliver...

7. We are carefully studying your enquiry and hope to send you our quotation very soon.

8. We have forwarded your enquiry to the manufactures and will contact you as soon as we have their reply.

9. We thank you for your enquiry of… but regret to inform you that we cannot offer you the goods required.

10. We are sorry that we are unable to accept new orders for delivery within the time specified.

11. Our factory is fully engaged (overloaded) with orders now, and we cannot send you quotation, but we may revert to the matter late next month.

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Перевод с английского – Константин Киричук,2005г. | 

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