(research advisor – candidate of philological science T.V.Vedernikova)
The degree work is dedicated to integrative analysis of G.Orwell’s literary activity as an integral constituent part of literary process in England in XX century. Taking into account a great number archived materials, personal letters and critical works the author of the research reveals G.Orwell’s literary heritage, specific features of his outlook, conceptual and aesthetic principles, peculiarities of his creative method, and literary works, the novel “Animal Farm” in particular. The research paper elucidates G.Orwell’s role and significance in the literary process of the second half of XX century, describing him as an outstanding writer, original artist, propagandist of the best achievements of the artistic literature. It proves an attempt forgrounded, complex and objective evaluation of G.Orwell’s contribution and his place in the history of English literature. The topicality of the degree work lies in the insufficiency of systematic theoretical and practical research of G.Orwell’s creative works in contemporary literary studies and necessity to present a unified image of G.Orwell as a satirical writer. The understanding of the crucial importance of G.Orwell's creative heritage has been formed during a long period of time. In the years of Soviet rule the writer's literary activity was prohibited and it was far beyond the critics’ scientific interest. He was treated as a "reactionary", an "idealist", or a "nationalist" and was opposed to those writers whose creative heritage was published and studied. His novels were excluded from the syllabus in educational establishments at all, his works weren't republished, and during the next quarter of a century were studied selectively. It explains the topicality of the current research and proves the necessity of addressing to G.Orwell’s literary heritage, in particular to the profound and complete investigation of his work "Animal Farm". The aim of the thesis – to conduct the integrated research of the specific artistic peculiarities of G.Orwell's "Animal Farm", to define satirical representation in the novel and to analyze allegorical images and main sources of their reflection. The aim of the research determines the solution of the following tasks: 1. To overview the literary sources, to generalize and summarize the research experience and knowledge of the former scientists and scholars on the actual topic as well as outline the further prospects of the research. 2. To analyze the originality of G.Orwell's critical method and determine peculiarities of the historical epoch for understanding the writer’s role in the history of English literature. 3. To define the concept and content of the satirical allegory as a method of character’s depicting in the novel. 4. To reveal the main methods of the satirical reflection of reality in G.Orwell's novel "Animal Farm". 5. To elaborate the methodical recommendation according the application of the results of current research in teaching. The object of the degree work is G.Orwell's literary activity and his novel "Animal Farm" in the context of English literature of XX century. The subject of the research are means and methods of representation of the satirical allegory in the G.Orwell's novel "Animal Farm". Methods of the research. Methods are used include bibliographical, cultural-historic method, comparative method of analysis of literary sources, method of comparison and method of stylistic analysis. The diploma paper consists of contents, introduction, three chapters, conclusion and the list of reference. In the introduction we set the topicality, the main aim, tasks, the object and the subject of the research, the scientific novelty, theoretical and practical value and the structure of the diploma paper. The first chapter, which is called "The History of Scientific Research of the Satire in Modern Literary Studies" highlights the review of the literary sources according to the topic of research and summarizes the previous experience and knowledge of the scientists and scholars. In the second chapter "The Specific Features of the Satirical Allegory Realization in the Novel «Animal Farm»" the practical research was presented according to the aim of the degree work. It also included the research material about peculiar means and sources of realization of the satirical allegory, expressed in the novel. It was proved that the satirical reflection of the character's inner world is a specific feature of the author’s conception and his creative method. In the third chapter methodological recommendations to the practical lesson on English literature were suggested and a complex of activities for the senior students was elaborated. In conclusion the results obtained in the research are given. The theoretical value of the degree workconsists of widening the conception of development of the English literature of XX century, the role G.Orwell and his creative work “Animal Farm” in strengthening English literary traditions and main points of genre development in literature. The practical value of the degree work lies in the fact, that the results of the research can be applied the process of literary studying, practical courses and other spheres of linguistic and literary knowledge. Д Н Е В Н И К
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