C. The manager in charge of health and safety is explaining things to some new employees. Complete what he says by filling the blanks with the correct word from the box.
noise • protection • drowsiness • dust • accidents •smoke poisonous • fumes • risks • burns • goggles
MANAGЕR: Nеw govеrnmеnt rеgulations mеan that wе arе all rеquirеd to bе morе awarе of (a) ____ in thе workplacе. As your еmployеr, wе will providе you with thе nеcеssary safеty еquipmеnt. You must wеar (b) ___ to protеct your еyеs whеn working on this machinеry. You should also wеar еar (c) ____ bеcausе thе (d) _____ from thе machinеs is high еnough to causе damagе to your hеaring. And of coursе, thеrе is a lot of (е) _____ in thе air, so plеasе wеar masks to stop you brеathing it in. But, you too arе rеsponsiblе for your safеty and for prеvеnting (f) _____ happеning. ЕMPLOYЕЕ: Arе wе looking at firе risks?
MANAGЕR: Yеs, of coursе. Rеmеmbеr that it is vеry dangеrous to (g)____ nеar thе chеmical storе. In fact, wе havе a no smoking policy throughout thе company. Chеmicals thеmsеlvеs arе, of coursе, (h) _____ so thеy should nеvеr еntеr your mouth. Thеy could causе (i) _____if you gеt thеm on your skin. If you lеavе thеm without a lid, (j)____may еscapе and causе hеadachеs, (k) _____ or dizzinеss. Discussion A. Discuss these questions in small groups: 1. What are the problems facing big cities? 2. What problems can the construction of high buildings, often called skyscrapers, allow to solve? 3. Would you like to live in a skyscraper? Why? Why not? Give reasons. Revision 1. Speak on some famous skyscrapers in the world and/or the tallest building in your country. 2. Speak on living in a skyscraper. 3. Dwell on the way skyscrapers are built. 4. Speak on safety rules on construction sites. Unit 10 Medical Technology Vocabulary: A. Learn the following words
artificial [ˌɑːtɪ'fɪʃ(ə)l] - искусственный, синтетический, поддельный, ненастоящий to apply smth to smth [ə'plaɪ] - использовать, употреблять что-то для чего-либо to extend [ɪk'stend], [ek'stend] - расширять, наращивать, увеличивать patient ['peɪʃ(ə)nt] пациент, больной; страдающий от боли; терпеливый to be disabled [dɪs'eɪbld] - вышедший из строя, нетрудоспособный, пришедший в негодность obstacle ['ɔbstəkl] -помеха, преграда, препятствие cane [keɪn ] –тростник, стержень, посох laser cane - лазерный "посох" (для слепых) to transmit ultrasounds [trʌn'smɪt 'ʌltrəsaund] -излучать ультразвуковые волны internal [ɪn'tɜːn(ə)l] - внутренний external [ek'stɜːn(ə)l]-внешний, наружный, поверхностный to be blind [blaɪnd]-слепой to detect [dɪ'tekt] - обнаруживать, опознавать, распознавать to obtain [əb'teɪn] - получать, добывать, приобретать to have access to smth./smb [‘'ækses] -иметь доступ к чему-либо/ кому-либо to fall ill (fell, fallen) [fɔːl] - заболеть to reflect [rɪ'flekt] - отражать (свет, тепло, звук) to avoid [ə'vɔɪd] - избегать, остерегаться, сторониться, уклоняться to breathe [briːð] - дышать, вдыхать, выдыхать to induce [ɪn'djuːs] - побуждать, склонять, индуцировать, вызывать, coil [kɔɪl - бухта (кабеля), виток (пружины), змеевик, катушка, обмотка in the wrong/ right way [rɔŋ] / [raɪt] - неправильно/правильно to charge [ʧɑːʤ] - заряжать (аккумулятор) charger ['ʧɑːʤə] - зарядное устройство image ['ɪmɪʤ] - изображение, отображение, образ, имидж, престиж to probe [prəub] – прощупывать, опробовать, проводить испытание current ['kɜːr(ə)nt] - струя, поток, течение, электрический ток to store [stɔː] - запасать, хранить, запоминать хранить (информацию) disease [dɪ'ziːz] - болезнь, заболевание to be connected (to, with) [kə'nektɪd] - связанный (с кем-либо/ чем-либо), относящийся (к кому-либо/ к чему-либо)
B. Match the words and phrases (1-10) with their Russian equivalents (a-j)
C. Give the Russian equivalents for the following English words and phrases to obtain, to have access to smth./smb, to apply smth to smth, patient, obstacle, internal, external, to be blind, to detect, to reflect, charger, to store, to detect,. To probe to fall ill, to transmit ultrasounds, to be connected (to, with), disease, to breathe, to extend, to be disabled, artificial, to avoid