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Plastic Logic to Build E-Book Plant Locally

Indro Mukerjee, chief executive of British company Plastic Logic, unveiled “Plastic Logic 100 for Education,” an electronic textbook designed, specifically for the Russian education sector, at a news conference in Moscow on Monday.

The device uses Plastic Logic’s pat­ented Plastic Paper technology, described as a “replacement for paper.”

Because of the absence of glass in the device’s screen, it is light, thin and most importantly impact-resistant, making it an ideal choice for schoolchildren. It is designed to hold an entire year’s worth of schoolbooks – the demonstration model was pre-loaded with 40 textbooks targeted at 12- to 14-year-olds.

The touchscreen device is more than a reader – it allows you to draw images, type in characters, erase anything you have added and move images around on the screen.

These features allow students to annotate texts with useful comments.

Asked why Russia had been chosen as the first country where the new prod­uct would be rolled out, a spokesman for Plastic Logic said it was because of the significant investment by Rosnano and the invitation by the Education and Sci­ence Ministry to compete in a tender to provide the school device.

Schools in the Kaliningrad region are already trying the new device, and it is currently being introduced in 60 to 70 regions across the country.

Britain's minister of state for trade and investment, Stephen Green, who attended the conference, said the Plastic Logic 100 represents a major contribution to the Russian educational system, and he hoped that it would play a similar role in the British education system in time.

By Natascha Kearsey

Special to the Moscow Times

chief executive [ʧiːf ɪg'zekjutɪv] - исполнительный директор, глава корпорации, фирмы

to unveil [ʌn'veɪl] - раскрывать, открывать

replacement for (smth) [rɪ'pleɪsmənt] - замена чего-л. на что-л.

to hold [həuld] held - держать, вмещать в себя

entire [ɪn'taɪə ], [en-] - полный, целый, весь

to be targeted at (smb) ['tɑːgɪtɪd] - быть нацеленным на

to allow [ə'lau] - позволять, разрешать

to draw [drɔː] drew, drawn - рисовать; чертить

to roll out [rəul aut] - обкатывать в рекламных целях

spokesman for ['spəuksmən] - представитель, выразитель мнения

significant [sɪg'nɪfɪkənt] - значительный, важный, существенный

to provide [prə'vaɪd] - снабжать, предоставлять, обеспечивать


B. Answer these questions:

1. What sector is Plastic Logic 100 designed for?

2. What is this device like?

3. What does the touch screen device allow schoolchildren to do?

4. Why was Russia chosen as the first country where the new product would be rolled out?



A. Discuss these questions in small groups.

1. Student A.

Choose an object.

Make sure you know the name for it in English.

Answer the questions in the table in the correct boxes.

Student B.

Guess which object your partner chose.

  Yes, usually. Sometimes, but not usually. No, never.
Is it round /square/ rectangular?      
Is it made of leather?      
Does it make a noise?      
Does it fit easily into your pocket?      
Does it have a handle?      
Is it found in the kitchen?      
Is it easily breakable?      
Is it useful for making things?      
Could it be made of wood?      
Does it need batteries or do we plug it in?      


2. Student A.

Think of one object which we use every day.

Student B.

Ask Student A 10 questions to find out what the object is.

When you have finished, change over.

3. Check that you know the meaning of the adjectives below.

attractive, economical, expensive, fashionable, reliable, comfortable, practical, popular.

Work in pairs. Think of the products that can match these adjectives.

B. Choose an object to sell and prepare a two-minute presentation.

Think about:

· the advantage of the product,

· its appearance,

· what it can do,

· how much it can cost,

· how you can persuade people to buy it.



1. Speak on the stages of a design process.

2. Describe some of your favourite products, why do you like them?

3. Say a few words about any famous designer.

4. Say a few words about your favourite brand.




Unit 4

Technology in Sport


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