Студопедия — SPEECH AND COMPOSITION. what the capital of the USA is; the name of the official residence of the president of the USA is; New York is famous for; islands it is
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SPEECH AND COMPOSITION. what the capital of the USA is; the name of the official residence of the president of the USA is; New York is famous for; islands it is

Ex 43. (A) Ask your friend:


what the capital of the USA is; the name of the official residence of the president of the USA is; New York is famous for; islands it is situated on; the longest river in the USA is; river in Great Britain is the most important; the British Museum is famous for; the names of the two oldest universities in Great Britain are; country has the largest population in the world; countries are situated on islands; the oldest part of Moscow is; the Kremlin is famous for; places of interest there are in Moscow; etc.
how big the population of the Soviet Union is; many republics there are in the Soviet Union; large the Soviet Union is; old Moscow is; different new Moscow is from old Moscow; many people there are in Moscow; many stations the Moscow metro has; many metro stations there were in 1935; many bridges there are across the Moskva; etc.
if (whether) the USA is the full name of the country; New York is the capital of the USA; the Houses of Parliament is one building; there is much traffic in Oxford Street; the Thames is as long as the Volga; the Thames is the longest river in England; the British Isles were part of the continent at one time; etc.
when Leningrad had the name of Petersburg; Moscow had the biggest fire; Moscow was not the capital of the country; Red Square is full of people; etc.
where Great Britain is situated; Hyde Park is; the new building of Moscow University is situated; etc.
why Moscow is called a port of five seas; the seat of'the British Government is called the Houses of Parliament; etc.


(B) Tell me:


what your name is; place you are from; your home town is like now; it was like ten years ago; places of interest there are in your town; your town (street) is famous for; time you are usually free; your plans for tomorrow (next Sunday) are; lessons you will have tomorrow; etc.
how old you are; big your family is; many brothers and sisters you have; far your home town is from Moscow; far your house is from the Institute; many lessons you have every day; many lessons you had yesterday; etc.
if (whether) your home is in a new district; your house has all modern conveniences; there is much traffic in your street; you have classes every day; you will be free tomorrow; you were busy yesterday; you were a student two years ago; you have many friends; your friends are also students; etc.
when your classes are over; reading halls are full of students; the Institute is a quiet place; students have the busiest time of the year; you will have your examinations; etc.
where your home town is situated; you are usually on Sundays; you were last Sunday; etc.
who your best friend is; has a rich library of English books in your group; you usually have talks on books with; etc.


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