1. When did it all start? 2. Mr. Brever had a stationary shop in Brighton, didn't he? 3. What could people buy at his shop? 4. What idea came into his head one day? 5. Why did he build a pyramid in his shop window? 6. What was it made of? 7. How big was the sheet (piece) of paper at the top of the pyramid? 8. How did the people of Brighton like his idea? 9. Why did they stop at the shop window during the day and even at night? 10. Why did people start buying more at the shop? 11. What gave Brever the idea to make paper bags? 12. What were the bags for? 13. Did Brever sell the bags or could people get them at his shop for nothing? 14. Where did people write the address now? 15. What made the envelope popular? 16. Can you do without an envelope now if you want to send a letter? 17. By the way, how did the word «конверт» come into the Russian language? Ex 51 Act as interpreter. Sum up the dialogue.
A: I believe-that postal arrangements in the Soviet Union are much the same as anywhere else? В: Да, это так. Из любого города Советского Союза можно послать письмо, открытку или телеграмму в любую часть света. A: Is there a post office at a hotel, where one can buy envelopes, postcards, stamps, and writing paper? В: В каждой гостинице, как правило, есть почта, где все это можно купить. Вы также можете отправить простое или заказное письмо и телеграмму. A: Is there a poste restante* office? В: Да, на каждой почте есть специальное окно, где вы можете получить письмо до востребования. Для иностранных туристов такое отделение есть в гостинице «Интурист». A: How many times a day are letter-boxes in Moscow emptied? В: Как правило, 5 раз в день. A: How can I make a telephone call to my country? В: Из Москвы и других городов Советского Союза вы можете позвонить в любой город Европы и Америки, а также Австралии, Азии и Африки. A: Can I book a call from my hotel room or should I go to the trunk-call office? В: Вам не надо идти на переговорный пункт, вы можете позвонить из номера гостиницы. Ех 52 Read the text, and explain how letters are addressed if the addressee lives in Britain. Explain to a foreign visitor how letters should be addressed to someone living in the Soviet Union.
When you send a letter to someone in Britain, there is an accepted way of writing the address on the envelope. On the top line you write the name of the person you are writing to. On the second line you write the number of the house and the name of the street. The third line is used for the town. The Post Office likes the name of the town to be written in block capitals, LIKE THIS, as it is in the post office of this town that the letter will be handled. The fourth line will have the name of the country. This is sometimes left out when the town is a large or a well-known one such as Manchester, or when the town has given its name to the country, as Leicester and Leicestershire, York and Yorkshire, On the last line goes the Postcode. The Postcode is a special combination of letters and figures used by the Post Office for sorting and delivering mail. So a typical address might look as follows. Ex 53 Use the following words and phrases in situations of your own.