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Ex 48 Answer the following questions, using the vocabulary of the lesson. Sum up the answers (orally, or in writing)




1. Do you often write letters? What do you like more: to write letters or to get them? 2. Do you enjoy writing letters? Why do some people say they can't stand writing letters? Is it true about you? 3. Do you write letters home (to your friends) regularly or only when something exciting happens? 4. What are the days of the year when you have to write more letters than usual? 5. Why do people expect to get letters on their birthdays, New Year's day, etc? 6. Do you like to keep old letters? What letters do you usually keep? Why do you keep them?




1. When did people start collecting stamps? Why weren't stamps collected in the 18th century? 2. When did you (your friend) start collecting stamps? 3. What stamps are worth collecting? 4. How much is an old stamp worth? 5. Do you collect just any stamps or stamps of a definite country, stamps about sports, space flights, famous people, etc? 6. Where do you get stamps: do you buy them at a special shop or exchange them with other collectors? 7. Where do you keep the stamps? How does a stamp album differ from a photo album? 8. Is stamp collecting educational?




1. How big. is your family library? Who started it? 2. Who taught you to read and love books? 3. Do you follow any system in your reading? 4. What books do you borrow from the Institute library? 5. How long are you allowed to keep a library book? 6. How many public libraries are there in Moscow (in your town)? 7. What do you know about the oldest public libraries in the world? Are they as famous nowadays as they used to be?

Ex 49 Read and retell the following. Make up questions covering the contents. Speak on the biography of some author.




Maugham was one of the most popular storytellers of our time; he was also one of the world's highest-paid authors.

Among his bestsellers were " Of Human Bondage" * (1915), " The Moon and Sixpence" (1919), " Cakes and Ale" * (1930) and many stories of the life of white settlers in Malaya, India and the South Seas.

William Somerset Maugham was born in Paris in 1874. His father worked at the British Embassy. His parents died when he was still a boy and he went to live with relatives at Canterbury.

After finishing King's, the Cathedral school, he went to Germany to study at Heidelberg University. He returned to England the same year and entered St. Thomas's Hospital in London as a medical student. While a student there he got to know the life of the poor people of London. He had to work in the Lambeth slums which he described so well in his first novel " Liza of Lambeth" * (1897).

In 1897, after five years at St. Thomas's Hospital he went to Spain to learn Spanish and write another book. He had decided to become a writer.

The next ten years were very hard. But then a great change came into his life. The manager of the Court Theatre in London agreed to take Maugham's play just to keep his theatre open for a few weeks. The play made Maugham famous. Soon four of his plays were on at different London theatres. Maugham made up his mind to continue writing plays for the rest of his life. But five years later he started on the longest of all his novels " Of Human Bondage". " Of Human Bondage" is more than a situation; it is a life, and it is in many respects the author's life.

The book tells the story of the first thirty years of Maugham's life. His hero, Philip Carey, goes to school in England and Germany, tries to paint for some time in Paris, returns to London to study medicine, and leaves the reader at the end to continue happily as a doctor in the country. Maugham himself said that the novel " Of Human Bondage" was his best.

He died in 1965 at his villa at Cap Ferrat in the South of France where he had lived since 1930.

Ex 50 Read the following. Answer the questions. Retell the passage in English.




B 1820 году владелец писчебумажного магазина в г. Брайтоне (Англия) Бревер задумался над тем, как заставить покупателей почаще заходить в его магазин. Он решил построить в витрине пирамиду из бумажных листов самых различных размеров. Жителям города эта идея очень понравилась. Днем и ночью около витрины останавливались люди. Дела у владельца магазина пошли отлично, все теперь покупали у него для писем маленькие листочки — один из таких листочков венчал его красавицу пирамиду.

Однако листочки были очень малы, и на них было трудно размещать адрес. Это навело Бревера на мысль изготовить из бумаги нечто вроде мешочков, в которые можно было бы вкладывать письма.

Он изготовил такие мешочки и стал бесплатно вручать их покупателям. Мешочки имели громадный успех и с тех пор, посылая письма, все стали пользоваться конвертами. Кстати, слово «конверт» в русском языке произошло от английского глагола «to cover».

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