VOCABULARY. reason n 1. причина, основание, мотив, довод What's the reason for his absence?
reason n 1. причина, основание, мотив, довод What's the reason for his absence? The reason why he did it is not known. We have no reason not to believe him; 2. разум, рассудок, благоразумие Only man has reason. Phr hear (listen to) reason прислушаться к голосу рассудка, не пренебрегать разумными доводами; (un)reasonable а (не)благоразумный, (не)обоснованный a reasonable man (decision, argument, price, etc) straight а прямой a straight road (line, nose, question, etc); straight adv прямо, сразу же sit (stand, walk, etc) straight; After classes he went straight home. harm n вред, ущерб; зло, обида There's no harm in doing it. Sorry, I meant no harm. Phr do harm (to sb/sth) вредить, наносить вред, ущерб (кому-н/чему-н); harmful a a harmful drink (habit, climate, etc); harmless a a harmless man (joke, remark, game, etc) strike vt/vi (struck) 1. ударять(ся), бить strike sb (on the head, across the face, etc) The clock struck twelve. When he fell he struck his head against something hard. Phr strike a match зажечь спичку; 2. приходить в голову; поражать An idea suddenly struck him. She was struck by the news. We were struck by the beauty of the place. ashamed predic а пристыженный, испытывающий чувство стыда be (feel) ashamed стыдиться; You should be ashamed of what you've said. He was ashamed to look at them. Phr be ashamed for sb стыдиться за кого-н; be ashamed of sb/sth стыдиться кого-н/чего-н recognize vt 1. узнавать recognize a man (a face, sb's voice, a place, etc); 2. признавать (государство, чьи-н права и т. п.) recognize a country (sb's rights, etc); recognition n firm а твердый, стойкий, настойчивый a firm decision (character, hand, voice, step, price, etc); She is firm with the children. He was firm in his decision; firmly adv speak (walk, hold, etc) firmly settle vt урегулировать, улаживать settle a problem (question, argument, matter; one's affairs, etc). Phr That's settled. Решено. quarrel vi ссориться quarrel with sb about sth; quarrel n; Phr settle (make up) a quarrel помириться beat vt (beat, beaten) 1. (по)бить (кого-н); 2. побеждать, выигрывать Не beat me at chess. Our basketball players beat all the other teams; 3. биться (о сердце) Her heart was beating fast. WORD COMBINATIONS be after sb/sth 1. преследовать кого-н/что-н; 2. добиваться чего-н out of the comer of one's eye краем глаза be afraid for sb/sth бояться за кого-н/чего-н keep (on) doing sth продолжать делать что-н get pleasure out of (from) doing sth получать удовольствие от чего-н look forward to sth (doing sth) с нетерпением ждать, предвкушать что-н go mad сойти с ума it's no good бесполезно EXERCISES