Later, during the Classical period the stiff vertical figures were replaced with three-dimensional snap shots of figures in action. In contrast to the static archaic sculptures the classical statues held dynamic poses bursting with potential energy and the overall patterns of immobile muscles were developed into a complex universe of tension and relaxation. The object of art became the human himself. The most significant contribution to the development of sculpture was contrapposto which is defined as “the principle of weight shift in the visual arts”. This new device gave the sculptured figure a definite presence: the weight shift gave the figure a sort of conveyed gravity and enhanced its realism. This transitional style of the Classical period was referred to as the ‘Severe Style.’ It is thought that the change in facial expression reflects the reevaluation of human potential and self-knowledge by thinkers, poets and writers.
The greatest achievements of the Classical period are connected with the names of Phidias, Myron, and Polyklitos.
Roman bronze reduction of Myron's Discobolus, 2nd century
One of the most famous Classic Greek statues from this period is the Discobolus by Myron. His representation of an athlete throwing the discus was revolutionary. The sculpture boasts vigorous and convincing movement in a perfectly - made form. His flexing muscles and concentrated expression create the real expression of action.