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Match the words and word combinations with their definitions. Read out sentences they are used in. Express their meaning in Russian

1. military school a. to develop fast
2. to put emphasis on b. to try out a new procedure, idea, or activity
3. to play the lyre c. the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges
4. to experiment d. force or intensity of expression that gives impressiveness or importance to something
5. to run a home e. a keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one end and which has a side hole over which air is blown to produce the tone
6. to play the flute f. to learn by heart
7. democracy g. an institution for specialized higher education relating to the army
8. to grow rapidly h. to direct the business or activities of looking after the place you live in
9. to memorize i. a stringed instrument of the harp class having an approximately U-shaped frame and used by the ancient Greeks especially to accompany song and recitation


Task II.

Fill in the correct preposition where necessary. Use the word combinations to speak about the city of Athens.

· to play … the flute;

· to work … solutions;

· to be famous …;

· to experiment … the government;

· to run … a home;

· to devote oneself … sciences;

· to attend … a military school;

· to put emphasis … something.

Task III.

Make the right choice to fill in the gaps.

1. Boys left home and went to school to get educated at the age between … and ….

a. 6 – 14 b. 7 – 15 c. 7 - 14

2. Athens used to be a small village where a group of … people settled.

a. Corinthian b. Ionian c. Jewish

3. There was … between the way girls and boys were educated.

a. great difference b. no difference c. great similarity

4. While ancient Athenians were famous for …, Spartans were praised for their ….

a. military skills; knowledge of arts and sciences

b. literature, theatre and education; unique system of writing

c. drama, schooling system; military strength

5. Boys did not go to school but stayed at home where they were taught by their ….

a. nannies b. fathers c. mothers

6. There were two most powerful and prominent city-states in Ancient Greece, … and ….

a. Sparta, Argos b. Corinth, Megara c. Athens, Sparta

7. Boys then went to a high school where they stayed for … years.

a. 5 b. 4 c. 3

8. Athena, the Goddess of …, was the patron Saint of the city.

a. Wisdom b. Beauty c. Warfare




Task IV.

Answer the questions.

1. Where did Athens appear?

2. What were the Athenians noted for?

3. What were they especially good at?

4. What education did boys get?

5. How were girls educated?

6. What were men busy with?


Task V.

Choose one of the topics to speak about.

ü Athens as a city – state.

ü The system of education in Athens.

G all architectural movements through the world, as for example t

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