Студопедия — Read the text. Seven episodes have been removed from it. Choose from points a-h the one which fits each gap 1-7. There is one extra point which you do not need to use
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Read the text. Seven episodes have been removed from it. Choose from points a-h the one which fits each gap 1-7. There is one extra point which you do not need to use

The ideal of the monastic life developed in Rus as early as the eleventh century. The monastic community ended not only towards personal perfection, but also towards the sanctification of the life of people. The Rule of the monastic life demanded an absolute obedience to the abbot. Monks and nuns had to promise stability – … (1); conversion of life – … (2); obedience – … (3). Any male from a free peasant family or higher could become a monk, but nuns were nearly all from richer families.

The beginning of Russian monasticism knew the attempt to live according to the example of the Venerable St. Anthony – completely separated from this world, in caves. But life of St. Anthony was not only strictly ascetic but also absolutely detached from the interests of this world ….(4) the monk Antony of Lubeck, who took his monastic vows on Mount Athos, came to Kyiv to spread monasticism and dwelled in a cave above the Dnieper (the Near Caves).

St. Theodosius, … (5) was also completely ascetic, but full of love to people, their needs and sufferings. The Russian people chose the second one. St. Theodosius has remained the ideal monk who was able to unite an austere and blameless life to the work of educating his contemporaries.

St. Theodosius … (6) the aspirants, who still wore secure clothing; the associates without vows were dressed as monks; those who had pronounced the little vows; and those who had pronounced the great vows.

His abbey soon became a source of bishops and missionaries who went to evangelize the most distant regions. The first national Chronicles … (7) It was there that copies were made of liturgical books and of the Holy Scriptures and that the sciences and the arts were taught.

a. being the founder of the oldest Orthodox monastery of Rus – Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

b. his disciple and co-founder of the monastery,

c. to remain poor and never to marry;

d. attended eight church services every day and, between, their lives were filled with work and study

e. were composed at the Lavra of the Caves in Kyiv

f. to remain in the same monastery for the rest of their lives

g. instituted in Rus four categories of monks

h. to obey their superiors and God




Exercise 17.

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