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Unit 2. Computers for the disabled



Disabled – человек с ограниченными возможностями, инвалид

Leading role - главная роль

To require – требовать, приказывать

Blind – слепой

Deaf - глухой

Motor-disabled – с ограниченными двигательными возможностями

Dull sight – слабое зрение

Blinking – мерцание, моргание

Muscle movements – движение мускул

Breath movements – дыхательные движения

Computers have taken a leading role in our society and most jobs require access to computers and the internet. There are many people who are blind, deaf or motor-disabled and new technology allows them to use computers, do their jobs in the office, learn at school, communicate with other people.

Most blind users have computers adapted with technologies such as Braille, screen magnifiers, speech synthesis.

There are Braille keyboards which have Braille lettering allowing identify each key. For people with dull sight there is a screen magnifier which can enlarge text by up to 16 times. A speech synthesis system reads aloud the work on computers.

Deaf computer users can overcome many difficulties using visual alerts, electronic notetakers and textphones. Visual alerts are indicators with a blinking menu which appear when a user receives a new mail. Electronic notetakers use software to type a summary of a meeting.

Textphones allow the deaf to type and read phone conversations. Deaf people also can communicate via SMS and instant messaging.

Disabled people who can’t type on a standard keyboard use expanded or ergonomic keyboards, on-screen keyboards, adaptive switches and voice recognition systems. For example, in an eyegaze system the keys on the virtual keyboard are activated by the user’s eyes when they pause on a key for two or three seconds.

Switches come in many shapes and sizes. They are operated by muscle movements or breath movements or breath control. There’s also voice recognition which allows the computer to interpret human speech transforming the words into digitized text or instructions.


Answer the questions according to the text:

1. What kinds of disabled people can you remember?

2. Why do they need special possibilities of the computers?

3. What new technologies for disabled people do you know?

4. What can people do with the help of computers?

5. What can be found around us for disabled people?




1) Match the Russian and English equivalents. Make up the sentences with these words and word combinations:

1.disabled people 2.society 3.deaf 4.blind 5. screen magnifiers 6. speech synthesis 7. Braille keyboards 8. overcome difficulties 9. notetakers 10. textphone 11. enlarge 12. recognition 13. expand 14. visual alerts a.увеличивать b.клавиатура с системой чтения для слепых c.расширять d.общество e.узнавание, распознавание f.глухой g. текстофон h.экранная лупа i.слепой j.стенография k.оптический сигнал тревоги l.люди с ограниченными возможностями m.конструктивный синтез речи n.преодолевать трудности


2) Read the definitions and write the suitable word:

a) software that enlarges text and images on the screen, making the content more readable for users with low vision.

b) technology that allows computers to recognize text input into a system with a scanner.

c) a system of writing devised for blind people, in which combinations of raised dots representing letters and numbers can be identified by touch.

d) a phone with a small screen and a keyboard that transcribes spoken voice as a text, it’s used by people with hearing or speech difficulties.

e) a system activated by the user’s eye movements.


3) Choose ing- form or infinitive after the verbs:

We started ………. (to retell) the text a half of an hour ago. New technologies allow disabled people……….. (to use) and work on computers. They finished…….. (to discuss) the project an hour and a half ago. They decided….. (to enlarge) their business in Asia and Russia. Our government want……… (to take care) of disabled people more and they are interested in ………….(to give) them different jobs by companies.

4) Translate the following sentences using the appropriate pronouns:

Люди с ограниченными возможностями не могут выполнять некоторые функции, которые необходимы для жизни. Поэтому для них разработаны специальные компьютеры, где находятся устройства, позволяющие им использовать и работать на компьютере. Люди с ограниченными возможностями знают, когда и как применить экранную лупу, текстофон, систему распознавания речи для преодоления трудностей при работе на компьютере. Мы должны понимать, почему люди с ограниченными возможностями нуждаются в нашей помощи и поддержке государства.



References: Adapted from Infotech “English for computer users” by Santiago Remacha Esteras., p.42.


Unit 3. What is a computer?



To accept – принимать, допускать

To process - обрабатывать

To consist of – состоять из

Software – программное обеспечение

Hardware – техническое обеспечение

The central processing unit (CPU) – центральный процессор ЦП

Main memory – оперативное, основное запоминающее устройство ЗУ

Peripherals - внешний, дополнительные устройства

Permanent storage – постоянное запоминающее устройство ЗУ

Attached to – прикрепленный, прилагаемый

Port – порт, многозарядный вход или выход в устройстве

A computer is an electronic machine which can accept data in a certain form, process the data and give the results of the processing.

First, data directs into computer’s memory, then the computer performs a set of instructions and processes the data when the computer’s programs are run. Finally, we can see the results on the screen or in printed form.

A computer system consists of two parts: hardware and software. Software is a set of instructions or programs which tells the computer what to do. Hardware is an electronic or mechanical part you can see or touch. There are three basic hardware sections: the central processing unit (CPU), main memory and peripherals.

The main part of computer is the central processing unit. Its function is to execute program instructions and coordinate everything; it’s the “brain” of the computer. The main memory, it’s a collection of RAM chips, holds the instructions and data. Peripherals are the physical units attached to the computer which include storage devices and input/output devices.

Storage devices for example hard drivers, DVD drivers, flash drivers provide a permanent storage of data and programs. We use disk drivers to read and write data on disks. Input devices enable data to go into computer’s memory. The most common input devices are the mouse and the keyboard. Output devices extract the finished product from the system and show or print the results.

On the rear panel of the computer there are several ports for a modem, a digital camera, a scanner etc. They allow communication between the computer and the devices. On the front panel of modern desktop PCs there are USB ports and memory card readers.

Answer the questions according to the text:

1. What parts does a computer consist of?

2. What are three sections of hardware you know?

3. What and why is the brain of computer?

4. What peripherals can you call?

5. How does a computer operate?



1) Match the Russian and English equivalents. Make up the sentences with these words and word combinations:

1.software 2.peripherals 3.main memory 4.hardware 5.central processing unit 6.storage devices 7.keyboard 8.to execute 9.to enable 10.common 11.permanent storage 12.to extract 13.to plug 14.to accept 15.data 16.rear panel 17. desktop computer 18. laptop computer a.извлекать b.подключать c.позволять d.клавиатура e.общий f.данные g.принимать h.осуществлять i.оперативная память j.техническое обеспечение, оборудование k.центральный процессор l.задняя панель m.портативный компьютер, ноутбук n.персональный настольный компьютер o.запоминающие устройства p.временное хранение q.внешние устройства r. программное обеспечение

2) Read the definitions and write the suitable word:

a) The physical units which make up a computer system.

b) The set of program instructions that tell the computer what to do.

c) The processor chip that performs the basic operations of a computer; its basic components are the control unit, the arithmetic logic unit and the registers.

d) The units connected to the computer classified into three types.

e) There are two types of this section which holds the instructions and data currently being processed.


3) Fill in the prepositions:

The computer performs a set… instructions. Storage devices provide a permanent storage … data and programs. We use disk drivers to read and write data…. disks. Input devices enable data to go …. computer’s memory. The most common input devices used all…..the world are the mouse and the keyboard. Output devices extract the finished product …. the system and show information ….the screen or print the results …..the printer. …. the rear panel … the computer there are several ports …. a modem, a digital camera, a scanner etc. They allow communication ….. the computer and the devices. …. the front panel … modern desktop PCs there are USB ports and memory card readers. You can extract data ….computer very quickly ……flashcard.

4) Are the sentences true or false? Correct the sentences:

The main part of computer is the peripherals.

The function of the central processing unit is to execute program instructions and coordinate them.

The disk drivers enable data to go into computer’s memory.

On the rear panel of the computer there is only one port.

The main memory is a collection of RAM chips.


References: Adapted from Infotech “English for computer users” by Santiago Remacha Esteras., p.8.


Unit 4. What is inside a PC system?



To measure- измерять

To expand – расширять

To contain -содержать

To handle - вручать, управлять, обрабатывать

The rest of - остальное

To register - зарегистрировать

To cause - стать причиной, вызывать

The nerve center of a PC is the processor, also called the CPU, or central processing unit which is built into a single chip. It executes program instructions and coordinates the activities. It is a small piece of silicon with a complex electrical circuit called an integrated circuit.

The processor consists of three main parts;

-the control unit

-the arithmetic logic unit performs mathematical calculations and logical operations

-the registers for storing and controlling data. One of the registers keeps track of the next instruction to be performed. The other holds the executed instruction.

The power and performance of a computer is partly determined by the speed of its processor. A system clock sends out signals at fixed intervals to measure and synchronize the flow of data. Clock speed is measured in gigahertz.

The programs and data must be loaded into the main memory therefore when we run the CPU looks for it on the hard disk and transfers the copy into the RAM chips. RAM, in other words random access memory, is volatile. It means that information is lost when we turn on the computer. However, ROM, or read only memory, is non-volatile. It contains instructions and routines for operations.

The BIOS means basic input/output system and uses ROM to control communication with peripherals. We can also expand RAM capacity and add extra chips.

The main circuit board inside your computer is called the motherboard and contains the processor, the memory chips, expansion slots, controllers for peripherals which are connected by buses. Buses are electrical channels which allow devices to communicate with each other. The size of the bus is called bus width and determines how much data can be transmitted- the larger the width, the more data can travel along the bus.

Expansion slots allow users to install expansion cards for example network, sound, memory and video cards.

Answer the questions according to the text:

1. What parts does computer consist of?

2. What does the ROM mean?

3. What does the RAM mean?

4. What do “buses” mean in the computer?

5. How can we wide the possibility of our computer?


1) Match the English and Russian equivalents. Make up the sentences with these words and word combinations:

1 BIOS 2integrated circuit 3control unit 4arithmetic-logic unit 5clock speed 6volatile 7RAM 8ROM 9dual-in line 10bus 11expansions slots 12bus width 13system clock 14flow of data     a.интегральная схема, ИС b.двуядерный c.частота следования тактовых импульсов d.поток данных e.управляющий блок центрального процессора f.арифметико-логическое устройство g.оперативная память h.постоянное запоминающее устройство i.изменчивая, не сохраняющая информ. при выключении j.системный тактовый генератор k. информационный канал, шина l.резервные гнёзда m.базовая система ввода-вывода n.мощность информационного канала  

2) Read the definitions and write the suitable word:

a) An electrical channel, or highway, which carries signals between units inside the computer.

b) the size of a bus, which determines how much data can be transmitted.

c) the component in the processor or other chip which holds the instructions from the memory while it is being executed.

d) a component of the CPU which performs the actual arithmetic and logical operations asked for by a program.

e) the connectors that allow the user to install expansion cards to improve the computer’s performance.

f) a clock that measures and synchronizes the flow of data.

3) Remember the meanings of modal verbs have to, must, should, need, may and fill in the gaps:

a) The man….be a foreigner. He …not understand Russian. b) How …. I get to the center of London? c) If you go through the forest you…..lose your way. d) He …..be at least 60 years old. e) I ….leave now, I have a seminar. f)…..I apologize to him? g)You ………go and play there, it’s forbidden. h) You ……tell me the truth. i) The children………….stay outside by themselves. j) Students …..be well prepared for every class. k) The pills ….be kept in a safe place. l) You …… get a foreign passport to go abroad. m)….I start reading? n) He …….leave tonight because he…..prepare for the exams. n)….I use your camera? o) Do you…..get up early because of community train? p) You ……shout, I’m not deaf. q) You….clear up the mess today you ….. do it tomorrow morning. r) I’m late. I……hurry. s) My friend ….to complete tasks on line immediately.

4) Translate from Russian into English using the modal verbs and infinitives:

Память компьютера может быть расширена с помощью карты. Вся полезная информация должна содержаться на жестком диске и флеш-карте. Всем нужно зарегистрироваться на данном сайте вовремя. Сбой работы компьютера возможно вызван вирусами. Вам придётся измерить всё самому. Эти данные следует обработать немедленно.

References: Adapted from Infotech “English for computer users” by Santiago Remacha Esteras., p.11

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