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Simple to give to be given

Perfect to have given to have been given

Continuous to be giving __

Perfect Continuous to have been giving __


In a sentence Infinitive can be:

1) the subject To know him is to love him.

2) a part of a predicate I can play tennis.

3) an attribute There is nobody to help me.

4) an object Where did you learn to speak English?

5) an adverbial modifier You are clever enough to understand it.


The Continuous Infinitive is often used after the verbs: appear; happen; pretend; seem. It is also possible after: agree; arrange; decide; determine; hope; manage; plan and auxiliary verbs.

He seems to be following us.


The Perfect Infinitive is possible after: appear; hope; pretend; seem and auxiliary verbs.

He should have helped her.


Infinitive is used without ‘to’’ after:

- auxiliary verbs We shall help you.

- modal verbs May I come in?

- the verbs expressing senses I heard her sing once.

- ‘let’ (предоставлять), Let me do it myself.

- ‘make’ (заставлять) He made us get up early.

- ‘help’ He will help you do it.

- ‘nothing but’, ‘can’t help but’ I could not help but say it.

- ‘why’ and ‘why not’ Why not go to the country?

Exercise 1. Use the infinitives with or without ‘to’.


1. I think you must... do this exercise without a dictionary. 2. What makes you... think so. 3. She came up to the door... open it. 4. I’m awfully glad... have met you. 5. Why not... go and see him one of these days? 6. Have you ever heard her... sing? 7. It is the only thing... do. 8. Why should you... go there? 9. They don’t allow me... smoke here. 10. These are the letters... be typed tomorrow. 11. Are you sure he will help us... do it? 12. Do not make me... do it, I’m awfully short of time. 13. You were right when you told me not... leave the party. I am so glad... have met her. 14. You don’t have... worry, I’ll... do it for you.


Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Infinitive.


1. I’m really pleased (to see) you here. 2. Here are the instructions (to carry out). 3. I’d like (to lie) in the sun right now. 4. I asked (to inform) as soon as there was any news. 5. She didn’t know what (to do). 6. When he looked at the elderly lady he remembered (to see) her the day before. 7. He is not (to trust). 8. I am sorry (to keep) you waiting. 9. I am so sorry (to miss) that evening. 10. The girl seems (to sleep).



Exercise 3. Use one of the infinitives in brackets, give two variants

where possible and explain the difference.


1. They want (to discuss/ to have discussed) this project. 2. They were (to come/ to have come) by this time already. 3. We must hurry not (to be late/ to have been late) for the party. 4. The man seemed (to study/ to be studying) me attentively. 5. The only sound (to hear/ to be heard) was the ticking of the old clock downstairs. 6. They are glad (to invite/ to have invited) you for the conference. 7. He is lucky (to be visiting/ to have visited) so many countries. 8. Children like (to tell/ to be told) fairy tales. 9. Is there anything else (to tell/ to be told) him about? 10. I’m glad (to be given/ to have been given) this book.


Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into Russian, paying attention to the form of the Infinitive.


  1. The cause of the increasing use of metals is to be found in their characteristic properties. 2. A computer software programme has been developed to conduct an effective analysis. 3. In the present study this type of alloys have been shown to have better properties. 4. The first metals to be used by primitive men were those that are found free in nature. 5. In considering the chemical properties of metals, the first point to be noted is that they vary widely in degree of chemical activity. 6. Part of the initial motivation to study this problem was to determine how many atoms are required for a tiny lump of material to attain the properties of the bulk solid. 7. To produce desired shapes, such as bars or sheets, the rolling is usually done in two or more rolling operations. 8. Ductility and malleability are qualitative forms describing the relative ability of metals to stand plastic deformation. 9. To refine the structure of the metal is one of the primary reasons for hot mechanical working of steel. 10. The two main reasons for forging steels are to reduce the block of metal to approximately the dimensions of the finished article.

Text 2

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